
Nine Jasmine's eyes trembled, but she didn't say anything in retaliation. 

"Do you have an answer to this or not? What is our Blue Star Alliance going to do about this?" She asked.

"Well, you said that they were front runners, didn't you." Jake chuckled. 

"Why did you say that? Do you have an insider source about what they are doing?" He asked.

"I don't need to. Word on the street is enough to know that the alliance that we made is a joke, for someone else to swoop in." She said, shaking her head. 

"Maybe whatever you accomplished was all just a fluke. A ruse to force our hand, and now, your true colors are being shown." She said. 

Behind them, Purple Rain knew that this was not a conversation that she was supposed to be a part of. She turned around, about to leave, when Jake stopped her.