Ending the Argument

The fight lasted an hour. An hour of shouting at each other later, Lydia finally calmed down. 

"Go back to your room. All of you. And if I find out that you have been doing anything else… I will whoop you so bad, you will forget what your own name was." She snarled at him before storming away. 

Jake was just frozen still. This was not what he had expected to happen, at all. 

"Shit. If she finds out what happened with Michael and everything, then she will go nuclear. To behave like this, she really has gone crazy, hasn't she?" Jake shook his head with disbelief. 

"Was this how you got a hold of that thing of me? That Epic Class?" Peter came up to Jake and asked.

"Well… yeah?" Jake shrugged. Explaining how he came across a secret realm, and managed to find this all, it was a pain to corroborate. 

Better just blame it all on the guild.