Expedition (2)

The Roman Empire

Nolan limped along a corridor, shifting all of his weight onto a cane that he held with his right hand. 

"Where the hell is the Praetorian Guard? Tell them to return back to camp!" He barked with what voice he had.

"I will go call them, Master. Why waste your energy?" A thieving voice came from beside him. 

"Alright, whatever you want to do, little boy. Just don't waste too much time looking for them. You know that I sent them a message, and they are going to look at that message sooner or later." Nolan chuckled. 

"Of course, master." Michael nodded as he started running through the corridor. This place had become like a second home to him, after being forced to stay here for the better part of the last month. 

"Aizzz, how could he just decide something so big with little to no time to prepare? He should have told us about his plans much, much earlier." Nolan shook his head as he muttered.