Doors Open

Jake took a few steps back for he knew what was about to happen. 

The whole army behind him slowly started growing silent. This was not because someone gave a command though. 

It was because they could hear the loud clinks of gears turning behind the doors. 

The giant iron doors were opening. 

The metallic sound was loud enough to be heard to the end of the army, with everyone stopping what they were doing. 

The other three guild masters also went back to stand in front of their armies. And as they did, the doors finally moved. 

They separated to show a thin slit of purple and red light at first. 

Then, the doors moved a little faster. Still, considering how big the doors were, it was going to take a while for them to open completely. 

And considering how big the army was, there was already prior consensus that everyone was going to be entering side by side.