World Giant

Jake looked at the chasm that was created from where he stood and the army itself. 

All of the wolves behind him no longer moved, while all of the beasts that had gone forward gave up their lives. 

And now, everyone was focused on a singular entity in the horizon. A monster to gigantic, it seemed to be able to touch the very sky. 

"This is the hit to morale I was hoping never to face." Jake sighed as he shook his head. 

He knew that he had to move back to his side of the army soon enough, and focus on taking damage reports. 

The first battle was over, and although it was fairly easy, it wasn't going to be the end of it. Far more was going to happen very soon. 

He glanced at Phoenix, who stared at the beast behind Jake with her mouth agape.

"If even the freaking guild leader is like this, then how will anyone expect the others to behave normally. Who is going to raise morale when the leaders are also down cast?" Jake thought to himself.