The Dark Side

In a dark and musty room, one that only the most cliche of villains could ever live in, three shadows appeared. 

"Is it done? What I asked you to do?" The clear leader of the bunch snarked. 

"No, Your Majesty, It failed. This time, the guilds that came have come prepared. I count five hundred ascended among them." The second shadow knelt down and said with a raspy voice.

Both of them were men, clear from their voice. And as the second shadow knelt down, the third one slowly walked up to the leader. 

"Your majesty." The third shadow said with a seductive voice that almost felt like that of a succubus. 

"These enemies are too strong for us to leave them like this. We need to take care of them and make sure they do not advance any further." She said as a shadow of her hand swept through the leader's body. 

"Do not even try to seduce me now, Marianna. This is not the time, nor the place." The leader scoffed.