Pink Mist(2)

The sounds of the army behind Jake slowly started to fade away. It was like they didn't exist anymore. 

Jake cold hear barely anything at all. Even his breathing became obscure to him, and that was saying something. 

"Is the mist numbing my hearing? That doesn't make sense. If it is poison, I should get a message from the system telling me that I am poisoned or at least that I have received a debuff." Jake muttered. 

Nothing that was going on made sense to him. 

"I just need to find the enemy and stop this pink mist." Jake told himself as he turned around.

The enemy could creep up from anywhere. The mist was dense enough to completely invalid Jake's sense of sight.

Except his sense of touch, the rest of his senses seemed to be taken away in this battle. 

"At least I am not forced to look at darkness like in the path of saints. Anything is better than that." Jake smiled as he reminisced about the past.