A Strong Monster

Jake felt his sword get pushed back. This was strong. Stronger than anything that he had ever faced. 

"Damn it. Why is this so powerful? This one strike feels stronger than any other thing that I have faced in this expedition." Jake cursed. 

This felt in no way, similar to when he battled the wolf king, or when he handily took care of the monsters who had a woman's upper body. 

The shadow that he saw had closed in to attack him in mind numbing speed. 

Slowly, the pink mist parted to reveal who Jake was battling. 

"Damn this. Why am I forced to see something so ugly." Jake cursed as he pushed on the sword to retreat a few steps. 

He was looking at a true beast. One that stood up on two feet, like a human, and stood up like a human. It was holding a rusty sword, with a humanoid figure. 

Except, it certainly wasn't a human. It was a zombie. That much was absolutely certain.