Split Up

"Where the hell is Shadow King?!" Shouts rang across camp. 

It was smoky here. Even in the mid day sun, the atmosphere was grim. Everyone was tense, and people were running around. 

Absolutely no one was sleeping. Everyone was wide awake, looked across the barricades. 

Myriad Arrows and Kierch were in front of Bright Horizon, while Phoenix was glaring at them with anger. 

"Where the hell is your irresponsible guild leader? He even said that he was going to stay awake. Don't tell me, he logged out and is lying in one of the tents here." She snarked. 

"He didn't sleep. I know it. He is unavailable on chat, but it doesn't say that he is logged out. That means that he is in the game." Myriad Arrows shook his head.

"Then where the hell is he?" Phoenix shrieked.