The Doors (Part 2)

Jake looked forward. He knew that he couldn't move fast enough to avoid the spear.

A thousand thoughts rushed in his head as he felt a sharp change in the air.

The spear was hurtled across the space, and it was approaching him rapidly.

But Jake still had a faint smile on his face.

Finally, what he was waiting for. This was the one attack that was too strong to let go.

His body arced, falling limp onto the ground, mere moments before Jake felt a strong wind rush past him.

He could see, for one second there, a long sharp glint that shot past him.

And past him it went, running into the wall of stone behind him.


The sound of steel hitting stone echoed in the vast space and there was silence after.



Seconds later, Jake could hear a sound behind him.

He didn't need to turn around to feel a wide smile plaster across his face.