The Round Table

The ceiling of the large hall extended to a few dozen meters high, maybe even more.

The large crystal that lit up the room was floating in mid air right in the middle of the conical ceiling like a giant chandelier.

And Jake could see why he was looking for something called the Emporium. Till now, he was puzzled to why he was searching for something called the emporium.

Now, as he looked at the giant space that stood in front of him, with broken stalls, shops, and a giant fountain in the very center with a statue, he could understand why.

He looked closer at the giant statue that stole the show. It was a statue of a man. A handsome one, no doubt, with an armor and a sword that looked eerily similar to his, but also completely different.

As he looked at the statute, the armor the he was wearing started buzzing, as if it was responding to the statue on its own.