Knights of Sin (2)

Suddenly, the sky above darkened, and Jake could hear the rumble of lightning. Sparks of white and yellow danced among the black clouds that now filled the sky.

"There was a dispute. Too long ago to remember what about. And the gods were split." The voice said.

Jake could see his surroundings change once more.

It was as if he was floating in the sky now, and he could see the clouds get closer and closer.

Finally, he was above them, but it wasn't tranquil here. Quite the contrary. It was as turbulent as it could get, and Jake could see giant people towering over him now.

There were faces that he could recognize.

The God of Light, and the gods of the elements were the most common gods in Gaia. Every major city had temples of them, and Jake could easily tell that they were the side that he would eventually take.

Beside those gods were a few more. But obviously, they weren't big names, and he looked to the other side.