The cruel woman - I

The apartment building that she lived in was infected with mine but her parents had found a way around that.

They were small little creatures, some have even befriended them, but now it looked like they were the most dangerous ones.

"" Victoria murmured before closing her mouth and looking away.

They did not turn off the light, but the Mic seems to be no longer in use. that was good enough, at least you would not have to hear the voice of the woman.

Little rats were eating away the face of a classmate and Victoria felt like she was definitely going to be the next one who they were going to attack.

Slowly, she turned her head towards the boy who had very conveniently averted his eyes and was now looking at one of the lights.

"Speak," she hissed at him, "why can't you speak and give the woman what she wants so that she would leave us alone?"

He gulped and she got the movement.

"can't." He answered and she scoffed.

"Look at that!" She hissed at him And pointed to words the dead body of a girl she once knew. "that is going to be us if you don't speak the hell up!"

Victoria watched the boy slowly shake his head, disagreeing with her words in a very calm manner as if she did not agitate him.

"I know what I am doing." He casted a glance her way before looking back to the ceiling.

Victoria stared at him, flabbergasted before she huffed and looked at the door, completely ignoring the dead body and the squelching.


The Nice remained on. It was like everyone had forgotten that they had to kidnap children in the building. It was difficult to sleep with the lights on, and it was more like taking a nap now.

She would be on high alert even while sleeping because of two reasons, one, because of the light that would never let her sleep and two, because of the mice.

The boy was still awake by her side and Victoria kept on staring at him to the corner of her eyes.

Why would he not speak a word in front of her? Even in front of Victoria, he barely spoke anything, but what was it when it came to this woman?

Because of the lights, she could now see how purple and bruised his foot had become because of the nails hammered into it.

"You have to get out of here soon," she whispered unknowingly, "otherwise, you might end up losing that foot."

"I know."

Well, then smarty pants, say the word!

With a tsk, she kept the words inside. There was no need for her to be so vocal.

She closed her eyes, before snuggling into the heart wall and tried to find a comfortable spot when the door opened and her eyes did the same.

The same man, the bloody man who had assaulted her walked inside the door and she felt her heart stop beating.

Paralysed with fear, she tried to remain seated in the corner where she had been when he ended first. The best thing that would happen to her now was for her to disappear in front of him.

"Now, now," The rough voice of the man cooed and he Took something out of his pocket only for Victoria to realise it was the phone.

Three camera shutter is later. She had snapped the pictures of the boy's face, his mail and then an overall picture that had both of them on it. The man tucked the phone back into his pocket.

"Well," he sighed like he was tired already, "that should get your father to break. His beloved son is going to lose his food if he continues to act silent."

A light frown formed on her face. So, the father and the son were behaving the same? They were both silent and acting it cool?

Fuck the boy, she exhaled a sigh of relief just as the man closed the door. With a final glance at him, Victoria made up her mind. If it came to escaping alone, she would do it and leave him behind without a second thought.