The breakdown- III

She must have stopped crying at one point. When the tears finished and the exhaustion took over. Last what victoria remembered was falling asleep in Mr. Addams arms and for the first time, his comforting embrace. 


Gentle cresses work her up. 

A hand rubbed her shoulder gently, tapping it in a slow rhythm. Maybe it was meant for making her sleepy but had woken her up ultimately. 

Opening her eyes slowly, she adjusted to the light but opened them only to a crack. She saw Emily sitting beside the bed, reading a book that Victoria could not read the name of. 

Her gentle rubbing and tap continued. Like it was a maternal instinct for her to touch Victoria in some way and comfort her even when she was pretty much emerged in reading the book. 

"Mom," Elijah stood up behind his mother with his hands on her shoulders as he looked at Victoria. "Lia is awake."