Dr Baker - II

"I think I understand where you are coming from now." Henry scribbled something away on his notepad. "I think we have the perfect point to begin with."

Good, Leah relaxed a bit. That gave her the hope she desperately needed. She had a hard time, believing the fact that her parents had sent her to that school, but it had to account to something.

"So, where are you starting from?" She asked, slightly hesitant, but went forward with it anyway.

"A few questions." He smiled. "May we begin?"

Leah nodded once, "sure."

It was no understatements that she was nervous, but she had to begin somewhere. Maybe she needed therapy. Didn't everyone need therapy at one point in their life? Maybe, this one might get her somewhere.

God, she sounds extra desperate at the moment.

Shaking the thought out of her mind, she focused on the questions he was going to ask her.