Run-away - III

"You.. WHAT?" Leah gawked at him before picking up the nearest school, she found and hurled it at his head. 

Aiden in his head to decide, easily escaping the attempt. 

She closed her eyes, tilted her head up to the roof. Leah took long and deep breaths to calm herself down. 

"You," she slowly started, "you drugged me?" 

He nodded. "I did." 

"Why?" She asked, hoping that for once, he would actually explain and not give her a vague answer. "What were you thinking about giving me a drug to get me halfway across wherever we are? Drug?" 

"Oh, I see," he didn't show it, but Leah heard the mockery in his voice, I was supposed to ask you nicely to come along, and he would have agreed. Is that right?" 

She scoffed. "No, that's not fucking right. Why should I come with you?" 

"And that," He looked at her for a brief second, "it's exactly why I had to do it"