Babysitter - III

~Aiden's POV~ 

He had missed out on quite a lot. 

Apparently, not only had he missed out on a lot, it happened to be removed from the project. He was no longer participating. Remote or visual participation was no longer a requirement as it once had been.

He was removed because he was not here, by his own father.

"How could you fucking do that? That was my idea, and I did more than half of it—" 

"Then you should have been here to complete all of it." Gideon intervened. "I apologize if you would like me to. I'm sorry, child, life is not fair." He spoke as if he was speaking to a five year old. 

His eye was going to twitch, but he controlled it just in time. "Since you have taken me out of every project I was part of, I have nothing to do. I will go back." 

"No," Gedion leaned back with leisure, "you are going to supervise all of those projects now that you are here. Check everyone and make sure that they are going according to plan."