CH. 61: All You Have To Do Is Be Serious

"And… why have you called for me?" Noah asked through the phone.

"I plan on leaving the company," Aldger replied.


"It may take a while before I return and leaving it on its own is not good."

"You want me to take over for the time being?" Noah asked.

"Yes, father. I plan on leaving for abroad by next week. As I want to expand our company overseas, I wanted to be the one to look into the places where I will expand."

"Do you already have a place in mind?"

"I wanted to check on the regions with large diurnal range."

Diurnal range is the temperature difference between night and day. Depending on the variety planted, diurnal range can be very beneficial to producing quality wines. A larger diurnal range means warm temperatures during the day ripens grapes while concentrating flavors and tannins.

Then the temperature drops at night, helping to preserve acidity and aromas in the grapes.