CH. 426: My Love For Alexander

"Hey, have you heard the rumours?"

Just as Raphael passed by a nurse station, he heard them whispering with one another.

The hospital was once again in a bout of whispers, a few days after Alexander was pulled out by Logan.

Rumors about Raphael Gibson started circulating in the public.

That same person listening to the nurses at this moment.

"I heard, about those orphanages where the number of children sometimes does not add up. Or the adopted children being replaced by someone else as time pass by. That doctor Gibson's name would pop up when people are to look at the sponsors name closer or the people who are involved with the orphanage."

"True, there was even some articles in the internet about it."

"It was even weirder that doctor Gibson's personal lawyer was actually defending the people in the orphanages that are being taken down by Dexter Relish."