Calm before the Storm

The rest of the day was not special, neither for the newbie teachers nor for the students. Xavier taught physics, to which—surprisingly—there were no 'special' response from the students. Yes, nobody answered any of the light questions Xavier threw at them and yes, nobody had any questions of their own, but there were no such actions that made the 'devil's trial' look devilish.

And in Eulene's case—class to be precise, social science class—Eulene made a serious blunder, lecturing about a topic as boring as politics. Four of the seventeen students went asleep. But Eulene could not punish them, or blame them even. Even she, who was at the transmitting end of the spectrum, was almost bored to sleep from her own lecture.

When Xavier and Eulene finally met after their lectures, they both heaved a sigh in chorus. Honestly, both of them were excited for their first classes ever—their first official teaching sessions in fact. But the episodes were as monotonous as monotonous could get.