Money can’t buy Happiness? Says who?

"This should be enough, right?" Eulene asked.

Xavier scanned Eulene from top to bottom and then to the dozen of bags hanging down from his fists. "Isn't it a bit too much?"

"This is a small sacrifice for passing the trial."

Xavier heaved out a sigh. "Let's leave then, shall we?"

"Don't forget to put your acting skills to use." Eulene smiled as she left the extravagant jewellery store.

Xavier followed. All the employees rushed out of the store and bowed, not being able to hide the smile on their faces. "Thank you. Please come again!" They shouted in unison.

Killian and Marsha, who were spectating from the second floor coffee shop, had their mouth open wide agape—coffee leaking through the corners. The coffee cups on their hands were visibly shaking.

The sight was something they had never witnessed in their life, and they doubted they would see something like this again in the remainder of their mortal lives.