Stalking her


Oscar was still angry about being called arrogant numerous times by these women. For the first time in his life, he was being patient. Because he didn't want to kill a stranger irrationally when he was pissed and not thinking clearly.

Walking inside, he gave them the receipts and medication.

"We're leaving," he said and turned on his heels, walking right back out.

Charlie tried to go near Luciana but Oscar held his shirt before lifting him into his arms swiftly. Charlie did not like this but when he saw his father's glare he stopped wriggling.

By the time they exited the hospital, a new bike was already waiting for Luciana and Evelynn. Luciana thanked him before getting onto the seat. She dropped Evelynn at home and took her bike to go to the company.

She was fired, so what she could do other than go and collect her pay? That old man had always wanted to get between her legs which she had denied outrightly every time. She would sooner die than open her legs for him. Luciana knew this old man did things purposefully. And now… even if she left the company he wouldn't let her leave so easily. She leaned her bike on its side and called Evelynn.

"You bitch! Can't you let me sleep today?" Evelynn yelled from the other side. "Today has been eventful enough."

"I don't want that old fart to sleep properly from now," Luciana said.

"What do you need?" Evelynn asked, grogginess gone from her voice.

Evelynn's fellow racers could get any kind of information for her and money too. But Luciana was too prideful to ask for the latter.

"His wife's number," Luciana said.

There was a speechless pause, and then a snicker. "Ten minutes,"

"Fine," Luciana said and got back on her bike.

But she didn't notice that Oscar's car was following her. Well, not exactly following her. They just so happened to be going in the same direction. Nevertheless, Luciana barely noticed.

Luciana stopped in front of Bernadotte's Groups. This was the main branch of the Bernadotte. Bernadotte Groups had been ruling the business world in the Basque for years. And the CEO Oscar Lorenzo Bernadotte was the uncrowned king of all these. And unfortunately the Oscar Lucian she met this morning was the same person with an entire empire at his wimp.

She climbed off her bike and removed her helmet. Her ponytail was released into the air and fluttered carelessly to the air making her look beautiful. The sun drenched her in its warm glory, her face a shiny sheen.

"Sir, this woman. Why is she here? Does she know about us?" Callum asked feeling nervous. The amount of news channels that he had dealt with today made him a nervous wreck. Now she was here. What if she was here to create drama? That was not good.

This woman was bad news.

"She know not yet who we are. Let's observe what she is gonna do," Oscar says.

"Beautiful sister. Good," Charlie spoke on his own for the second time that day. He usually talked three to ten times a day. That was too many monosyllable words. Today he was talking in longer lines. Even though this weird woman ruined his day, she was a good influence on his son.

Not only that, she looked hot and sexy too. Even now she looked ravishing. As she walked he could see her ass swinging from left and right, making something stir within him. Oscar wouldn't say she had a perfect body because he had seen many women with societally beautiful bodies. But this woman… She was kind of chubby. Not in an unhealthy way but in a healthy way.

Her waist was small enough for him to curl a hand there, curved in a way he wanted to leave a trail of kisses along her navel. Her breasts… he had to admit that she was blessed in that department. They were like balloons. And oh how he wished to bury his face in her naked boobs as he rocked himself inside her.

At that moment, she looked like the goddess of sex to him. It was such a shame he didn't look at her properly that morning but now he trailed his gaze over every curve… she was the kind of woman who could stir desire in every male. Not everyone could look at her because her baggy clothes hid her frame. But it didn't hinder him from admiring her. A smirk formed at the corner of his mouth as he gazed at her.

"Boss, we have a meeting," Callum said, bringing him out of his sinful thoughts towards her.

He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts.

'Maybe it's because I haven't been with another person for a while now,' he thought. 'I shall get laid today,' he decided.

"Send Charlie home," Oscar said.

"Charlie, see, beautiful sister," Charlie said in broken phrases.

"No," Oscar said.

What kind of sorcery did that woman Cast on his son?

Charlie made a cute crying face that made Oscar grit his teeth.

"Fine! But you can only watch her from the camera!" Oscar said.

Charlie smiled brightly at his father, happy he got what he wanted. Oscar took his son to his cabin and made him sit along with him.

"Cancel the meetings," Oscar said to Callum. Callum wanted to say something but he refrained.

Instead, he nodded his head and went on with his tasks for the day.

They both watched Luciana sitting in the waiting room. She sat there idly for a moment before she got a call.

After answering it she took a pen from the receptionist and noted something down on a tissue paper.

Oscar wondered why he couldn't hear the sound from the surveillance cameras. He turned and realized that the sound was turned off. He had a habit of silencing everything he could when he worked. After turning it back on he could hear her saying.

"Thanks, Eve. I will call you after I burn that stupid old fat geezer!"

She hung up the call, dialing another number, and lifted the device to her ear, the dial tone muffled against her cheeks.

"Hello," she said. There was silence as the person on the other line spoke.

"Miss. Glenn, do you think your husband is faithful to you?" He heard her saying.

"I'm afraid to offer you the truth." After another pause, the voice on the phone grew agitated.

"If you don't believe me. Come to Blue Dart Cafe in fifteen minutes which is in front of Bernadotte Groups and wait for me at a corner table. I think this matter is better handled and communicated in person." she said. "You need to realize what goes on behind your back."

He saw her hang up again and heave a sigh of relief.

She was going to make that old fat geezer regret his actions.

She stayed for a little bit longer and then advanced to the accounts department to get her final paycheck settled. It took nearly twenty minutes for her.

After that, she walked to the temporary workers' department. Then he saw her going into the translating department.

'So, she is a translator,' he thought.

Now he was curious about what she would do with this situation.

He walked out of his office along with Charlie and sat at a table near the window.

"When the woman comes, stay silent, don't make a sound," he says to Charlie. Callum who followed them was surprised to hear him say this.


Luciana entered her work area and saw the old fat geezer sitting in his office. This man was the director of this department. Allowing workers to ensure a secure position in the company lay in his hands. And that was how he took advantage of them. Specifically young women.

"Sir," Luciana called him with a sad face. TO which the old geezer's unpleasant frown stretched into a sickening smile.

Meanwhile, Oscar was watching everything from his phone, everything happening in that office.