

Ella was watching Oscar's and Luciana's every move. She wondered if Luciana was affecting only her grandson or her son too.

She could say Luciana was nervous about her performance. She got to know about this yesterday night itself. The principal made it in a way that Luciana could not refuse even if she wanted. That cunning man…. He would do anything to appease Bernadetta. He even arranged a timetable according to Charlie's liking.

When Luciana went to the bar, she noticed Oscar walking in her direction. When they finally saw each other she could see the clear dissatisfaction on Luciana's face. Ella was surprised!

When a woman bumps into her son, they would start rubbing their bodies to his but she… she distanced herself away from him as if his touch burned her and the most intriguing part was… she cast a disgusted look at him.

Even her son, who won't react to things like this, stood shocked. She squinted her eyes at Luciana. As she looked at her, something flashed across her eyes. Luciana wasn't someone simple.

Ella is 50 years old. She has seen a lot in this world. Be it good or bad. She can say who is who at a glance. Luciana didn't look like some middle-class woman. It was like… she came from a wealthy family. The etiquette, her actions, demeanour, and her resistance towards many things made her confirm she wasn't someone common.

Even the file given by Callum looked suspicious but she let it off thinking to ask about it after he returned from his punishment. Looks like she needs to fasten things.

When she saw Luciana's piano skills she was totally surprised. She has to say that Luciana got some real skills there. And with this, she confirmed, that Luciana was not just a poor woman but someone else, who she needed to know soon.

Luciana heaved a sigh after the performance was done. Heaving a sigh, she climbed off the stage after bowing her head to everyone with a perfect fake yet nervous smile.

Evelynn and Joe came to her and hugged her tight the moment she climbed off the stage.

"You rocked it, Luc," Evelynn said as she hugged her.

"You did very well, My Love," Joe said too.

"Thanks," Luciana said.

"Ms Carlson, Can I have a minute?" a voice sounded behind her, that made a shiver run through her spine.

"No," Luciana said firmly, surprising him again.

"But I need to have a word with you," he responded firmly.

"But I don't need to have a word with you," she said with the same smugness.

"I don't take a no for an answer," he said.

"Coincidentally, I don't say yes to a question," Luciana replied sarcastically.

"You will face consequences for this," he said through his gritted teeth.

"Shut up!" Evelynn intervened between them.

"Brother, Mom is calling," Callum came and called him. Callum glanced at the three people around there. When he saw Evelynn he rolled his eyes at her impatiently.

Oscar left the place feeling annoyed.

"Good riddance," Luciana muttered under her breath.

"Indeed," Evelynn joined.

"Who is he?" Joe asked as he looked at him. He found this man too familiar. Joe felt like he saw him somewhere but couldn't remember where.

"The one who crashed into our bike that day," Evelynn said feeling annoyed.

"Oh," Joe responded absentmindedly. He still wanted to say he saw him somewhere but couldn't exactly remember.

Just then they saw Ella Bernadetta giving her speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen…." She started. Ella didn't take a long time to give her speech. She kept it short and sweet. Luciana had hearts in her eyes as she looked at Ella. She wanted to be the woman that Ella is.

She hoped she would get into the top level in the future. The confidence that Ella possessed, and the way she carried herself made her want to be like her.

After her someone else climbed the stage that burned her fuse. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at him.

"What the hell," these words left her mouth. She never expected that she was messing with the President of Bernadetta.

Would he take revenge on them for the things they did?


All their futures are connected to Bernadetta. A single act from him can ruin their lives once and for all.

"Eve…" Luciana's voice flattered at that second.

She's more worried about this situation now. She never realized that this man was the devil.

"Luc, this is not real, right?" Evelynn said with a shaky voice.

The accident, the fight in his company… her singing career and Joe's contract… every detail flashed in her head making her spine sweat. Evelynn gulped down a big lump as she looked at the man on the stage.

Oscar Lorenzo Bernadetta, the whole and sole heir of Bernadetta. The top businessman was known for his ruthlessness and his cold behaviour. Women die to be with him not because he was handsome or rich but because of the benefits they get being the wife of Oscar Lorenzo Bernadetta.

The trophy wife of Oscar Lorenzo Bernadetta! That's the title that one wants. And everyone was willing to do anything to have a single chance.

No wonder… Oscar called her and Evelynn gold diggers.

"It is real," Joe said as he looked at the stage. He has to say he was attracted to this man. But he knew very well that… this man was far more dangerous than he seems to be. After starting his bar… he saw all kinds of negativity and the dark shades of the dark world.

"I saw him in a magazine. He is known for his indifferent nature, ruthlessness, and his cold attitude. His ex-wife was the daughter of his business partner. They both got married purely for business purposes. But she divorced him after fulfilling her wifely duties that are… giving him an heir. Even though they never had fights, love never existed between them. They only had respect for each other. It's been two years since they got divorced. She never fought for custody of her son. In fact, his ex-wife is a famous police officer who deals with big criminals. Solved many cases and broke a few records. A woman of success, confidence, and a living example of strong woman in the world. Because of her… many women didn't approach the Bernadetta family for marriage. As no one could match the boundary set by his ex-wife," Joe explained.