Conversation (1)


"I apologize. I am thinking about something," Luciana tried her best to smile at him. She just hoped time passed quickly so that she could escape this devil's grip. She prayed to god to make Joe reach her soon.

"Our conversation is interrupted earlier. We shall have it again," Oscar said with a different gleam in his eyes.

"We can have another time. My friend is waiting for me. If I am out of his sight even for a second, he would be worried," Luciana said.

"Is it Joe again?" Oscar asked with anger in his voice.

"Lucy," Oscar heard Joe's voice even before Luciana could answer his question.

"You called him?" he asked.

"I inform about the places wherever I go. He knew I am here," Luciana said.

She didn't understand why she was explaining but for some reason her brain said if she didn't explain she would be in trouble.

"Okay. Now, let's conversation." he said.

"My friend is here. I will take my leave and won't waste your time anymore,Sir," Luciana said and was about to leave from the place.

Oscar saw Luciana leaving the place in a hurry. He doesn't want her to leave at least not now. He has his questions to ask for her. He wouldn't let the things go in her way at least now or at least not in his place.

He caught her hand not allowing her to leave from the place. Before she could say something, he put his palm on her mouth stopping her from yelling as he dragged her away from that place. Oscar pushed her into one of the rooms, making her feel scared.

Luciana felt scared. Literally felt scared. She doesn't know how to escape from this devil. She wanted to run and never come into his sight. Luciana knew that she has to come into his face to face one day or other as she was working as Piano instructor in his son's school. But she never expected she would come face to face to him today and that too in this way.

She looked around the room as he locked the door like a scaredy cat. She doesn't want to breathe in the same air as he did or stay under the same roof as he did.

Oscar locked the door and turned around to glare at her. At the very woman, who stole his son's attention. Now he knew why his son was talking too much in the house. He was happy that his son was talking and opening up. Even heard that he made two friends with her help. The thing that irked him more was his son was mostly thinking about her than him and even talking about her. He knew the music teacher in his son's school was some old lady, never knew it would be Luciana.

And today her appearance in the banquet made him further angrier. He was informed by her mother that the new music instructor from his son's school would be playing piano for the opening ceremony. But… when he saw Luciana, his blood boiled.

This woman! She was everywhere! Why does she need to pop up in every place he was in? Was she trying to seduce him? If so, she really did a fantastic job! She even took pains to enter his son's school and became a piano instructor. Thinking about it, she even worked in the Bernadette Organization before.

Maybe she doesn't know about him but she did now after the accident. If that's the case, things were making sense to him.

Since, she wants to sleep with him. He will make her dream come true. He would fuck her as she wished. And also, this type woman was new for him. She wasn't any sickly thin or any sickly fat. She was just meaty. Luciana would fit in his hands and embrace easily. He would like to dig his fingers in her flesh as he plunged inside her repeatedly making her scream as he proved her what kind of whore she was.

This way he can satisfy his manly needs and get rid of her. One shot two birds. With a wicked smile he slowly started walking towards making her take a step back with every step he took ahead.

Luciana felt scared at his menacing gaze. She didn't know what she did now. All she wanted to do was run away and never appear in front of him. This man was too freaking dangerous of her and for her mental health. After coming here from her home country, all she wanted to have was peace. It wasn't worthy for her to lose her peace for this man.

She noticed he stopped glaring at her and his glare was replaced with wicked smile that sent shivers in her spine. Luciana realized she was in a big trouble.

[God, save me.] she did a small prayer in her heart as she gulped hard.

She tried to hold her ground but she failed miserable. She wanted to open her mouth and say something. But nothing was working. Warning bells started to ring loudly in her brain. Her wish to escape from this place grew stronger by passing seconds.

He started walking towards with a dangerous gleam that made her take a step back subconsciously. His eyes raked her body shamelessly that made her further conscious. Luciana was sure that nothing was revealing in this white gown but… the way his eyes raked her made her feel conscious. She felt like she was being cornered by a pervert.

Her hands grew sweaty and her legs started shaking in fear. Her legs crashed with bed when she tried to take another step back. Due to the sudden friction she lost her balance and fell back on her bed. She tried to get up quickly but was pinned down Oscar immediately.

"Sir, I w-w-will le-leave," Luciana said stuttering. She hoped he would let her go but he didn't.

He pinned her down on the bed as he hovered over her. His eyes reflected `with an unknown emotion that made her shrunk back further into the mattresses making her scared.