Going home


Oscar felt nervous as he walked inside the manor along with his brother. Oscar fears only two people they were his mother and his big brother. His family follows the conduct of the eldest. Eldest holds the power among the youngest. Even though Magner never tried to show his eldest power, when things get serious, the whole family has to listen to him. At times, even Ella has to listen to him. Magner was no less than a father figure to Oscar. 

When things went wrong, Magner was the first to get in and make them right for Oscar. Then, after getting home, he would make Oscar reflect on the things where he did wrong. But the ways of Magner were crueler than Ella's. If he says it's wrong, then it is. 

Even though his brother was not with them most of the time, that only made him respect Magner more and fear him more. Because he knew his brother was more capable and far scarier than him.