Mission: Wooing the future daughter-in-law


"So, my future daughter-in-law's name is Evelynn and her best friend's name is Luciana. Nice, noted," Krystal said with a serious expression on her face. 

Ella's face froze at her friend's words. 

'You decided on a daughter-in-law for you without even knowing her name!!' Ella thought to herself as she looked at her friend. Her eyes twitched at her words and actions. Meanwhile, Krystal was already imagining Evelynn with her son playing with six grandchildren. Krystal's cheeks turned pink from the imagination. 

"Earth to Krystal," Ella said, smacking her head bringing her friend to reality. 

"Ella, you ruined my beautiful imagination," Krystal chided her with an annoyed expression on her face. 

"If you don't come out of your imagination our daughters-in-law would be leaving," Ella told throwing shocking information toward her. 

Krystal's eyes widened in horror. She immediately dug out her phone and called her son.