
Luciana sat at the dining table with Joe and Evelyn, her voice steady as she spoke, "I don't want to intimidate either of you. I just need to have a conversation that I should have had while I was going through therapy. Was Oscar really drugged? Were you both truly involved throughout the investigation process? From what Oscar is saying, it seems he might have been drugged and wasn't at fault that night. I need to know the truth now. I don't want to blame anyone without cause."

Joe and Evelyn exchanged surprised glances. They had expected Luciana to react with anger or frustration, as she often did when discussing the past. Her calmness was unexpected, but it also signaled something significant: she was beginning to move forward. This shift in her approach made them realize how serious she was about finding the truth and resolving the lingering doubts that had haunted her for so long.