Story time

Oscar, too, seemed to have felt the shift in the air. He glanced at Luciana, his smile softer now, like he was thinking the same thing. His pulse had picked up the moment he tied the apron around her, and now, even as they tried to act normal, the tension lingered. His gaze met hers again, and there was an unspoken understanding between them—something had changed, something real but not yet ready to be named.

They both turned back to Charlie, but the energy in the room was different now, charged with possibility.

As they moved around the kitchen, working together to prepare lunch, Luciana couldn't stop her heart from racing. Every time Oscar passed close, every accidental brush of their arms sent little shocks through her. She could feel his presence—steady, warm, and reassuring—and it made her wonder if maybe, just maybe, this could be something more.