Seeking help (2)

As she sat down on her bed, she pulled out her phone and quickly typed a message to Magnar. Luciana had stared at her phone for what felt like hours, the message she was about to send weighing heavily on her mind. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, hesitating. Reaching out to Magnar wasn't something she had ever imagined herself doing, not after everything that had happened between them. The history they shared was complicated—filled with tension, unresolved feelings, and a past that still made her feel both ashamed and conflicted.

She felt a wave of embarrassment crash over her. How could I even think of asking for his help after all this? Luciana had always prided herself on being independent, on facing her problems head-on. But now, with her startup finally registered, the overwhelming reality of what she had to do next had started to sink in. She needed help, and Magnar, with all his connections and experience, was the only person she could think of.