Would you Agree?

"Diwura Lily Scot... Diwura Lily Scot... Diwura, what an Interesting name" said Liam

"What does it mean?" asked Liam curiously

"Simply put it means Gold" she said as she went straight to the point

"She's feisty I admire that" said Liam to himself

"What an exotic name" replied Liam

But the Maiden did not answer him, she just stood still in her place

"You say that you are not an easy Woman" he said

"Yes your Highness" she replied almost Immediately

"Really? then if I proposed to you this instant would you agree??" asked Liam


Wura was Utterly flabbergasted what did she just hear?? The Prince said he wanted to Propose.

Wura had just refused the Prince, if she backed down now was that not being unstable, she had to stand her ground, not only for her Chastity but for her Pride and Ego as a woman.

"Hmm it would seem that she was just Bluffing" scoffed Liam when he noticed that she went quiet.

"Of course I would agree, as I said I am not a girl from a brothel, I have self worth, if you want to court me, then court me properly" she said without restraint

"Wow Bravo!!, I commend this Maiden" said Liam to himself.

"Then so be it, from this moment on you are my Betrothed" replied Liam

"Ehhh?? what?? Wura what have you just gotten yourself into??" asked Wura to herself as she was already panicking.

"Are we clear??" he asked as he lighted the Candle that was beside them.

The Light the Candle emitted allowed both Wura's and Liam's Faces to be visible.

Light entered their mist and the light shined in the darkness revealing their figures.

Liam had purposely dimmed the lights in his room because he did not want beauty to cloud his judgment, he wanted to make sure that he was in the right mind to make such a important choice about his future wife and queen.

There was no doubt in Liam's mind that there were many beautiful maidens, but he was not looking for beauty he was looking for character.

Liam's face was perfectly sculpted, he had a sharp jawline, his eyes brown and his hair was as black as night.

Wura had to admit that he was handsome but he was a woman abusing scoundrel and in Wura's books that overshadowed his handsomeness.

"Yes your highness" said Wura without breaking eye-contact

Liam Looked at Wura, he finally had the chance to see the Maiden who dared defy him.

She had soft lovely brown eyes, her long curly brown hair was alluring, and her golden brown skin suited her well.

"Your Highness since you know my name may I know your name?" she asked, so that she would know who to avoid in the future.

"What?? Is this Maiden serious? Who in the whole realm has not heard of my name??Has she been living under a rock?" asked Liam to himself, this singular question of hers has hurt his ego.

He was Liam, prince of Wyverdale, the Kingdom where this maiden was living in, and yet she did not know his name??? This was preposterous.

Truth be told Wura did not actually know the name of the Prince, she never did pay attention to the Royal Family, she found them Bland, if not for her Aunt forcing her to participate in the Festival she would have remained home, it wasn't like the Castle guards would go carry her out of her home in the first place.

"It's Liam... Liam Wyverdale" he said

"Thank you Prince Liam" she said as she bowed.

"You May go now" he said as he walked and moved his hand to the door

She curtsied and made her way out of the room, After she left, Lady Marli entered the room.

"Lady Marli, the other Maidens are no longer needed I have found my wife" said Liam hastily.

"Okay Sire" said Lady Marli as she bowed and closed the door behind her, she had some questions, but she knew better than to ask them right now.

And thus concluded the Festival of the Virgins.

While everyone was enjoying their Slumber, Liam had one name repeating in his mind, "Wura" the name of the woman who dared defy him.