
After Wura and Elihu's very heated conversation everything went quiet no one said a word, only the chattering of the other people in the ballroom, and the playing of the soft music could be heard.

Wura seized this opportunity to look around, she had to say that the ballroom was truly beautiful, this was the biggest ballroom she had ever seen, and not only was it big, but it was decorated beautifully, Wura had to say that the maids had done a good job decorating.

Wura looked around some more and she caught sight of a woman as she heard her laughing, Wura knew this woman very well, and as if knowing that Wura was watching her, the woman turned from the lady she was talking to and her eyes moved straight to Wura's.

The woman immediately ended her conversation with the lady, and she walked straight to where Wura was standing with Mero and the others, and Wura braced herself.

"Diwura!!" said the woman as she smiled and she looked very excited.

"Rosie" said Wura as she smiled and she and the woman named Rosie kissed Wura's cheeks and Wura did the same.

"I did not expect to see you here" said Rosie.

"I am aware that balls are not really what you like" said Rosie as she laughed.

"As if I had a choice, I truly would not be here if I had a choice" said Wura.

"You know me well, but I am as obliged as everyone else is to attend" said Wura.

"Oh I see" said Rosie mockingly.

Rosie Williams, the only daughter of Duke and Duchess Williams, she had an elder brother who was currently not in the Kingdom.

Rosie and Wura were acquaintances they grew up together since they were both the daughters of Dukes, to tell the truth Wura did not like Rosie at all, they were both very different people.

Rosie was a very beautiful woman, there was no doubt about that, her blue eyes were always shining, and her long brown hair was very healthy, she had a well proportioned face, and red rosy cheeks, she had worn a blue dress this evening that really brought out the intense colour of her eyes.

Wura was not one to be intimidated by the beauty or strength of others, but Rosie was a very proud woman, she knew she was beautiful and she flaunted that fact everywhere she was.

"I am sure you have seen the Prince, an handsome man he truly is" said Rosie as she paid no attention to the other men surrounding Wura.

Speaking of the Prince, where exactly was he??? did he not say that he would return soon and yet he was still not here.

"He is" said Wura.

"I am sure that he had good eyes, and he will be able to choose correctly" said Rosie as she twirled her hair with her finger, she did not hide the fact that she was referring to herself at all.

The men just watched this woman make a fool out of herself, if only she knew that she was actually talking to the woman that was betrothed to the prince.

"I am sure that he would" said Wura as she replied with quick short answers that made Rosie get annoyed.

"*Ahem*, I am sorry to disturb you ladies, but might you like a drink Princess??" asked Zechariah as he was sure this conversation ought to have ended already.

"Yes... Thank you Sir Zechariah, I would love to" said Wura as she smiled and Zechariah smiled.

"Excuse me who are you??" asked Rosie as she looked at Zechariah with a condescending gaze.

"I am sir Zechariah, a knight of the Prince's battalion" replied Zechariah politely but swiftly.

"Wait??? this man works for the prince???" asked Rosie to herself, now that she thought about it, she noticed three other men she had never seen before, she figured out that they were probably all of the prince's men.

Then why were they surrounding Wura??? WAIT WAIT WAIT??? THEY HAD EVEN CALLED HER PRINCESS??? thought Rosie to herself as she finally remembered.

"Please excuse me my lady" said Zechariah as he walked away.

"No this cannot be possible, Wura cannot possible by the prince's betrothed, it is impossible!!" said Rosie to herself.

"Diwura, tell me... are you seeing the prince???" asked Rosie as she leaned in closer to Wura.

"No Rosie, I am not seeing the Prince" said Wura.

"Oh thank the heavens" said Rosie as she sighed in relief.

"I am marrying him" said Wura leisurely as Rosie did not let her finish her sentence.

"NO!!" said Rosie as she shouted out loud completely oblivious to the fact that she was in a public space right now, almost everyone turned to look at her, to which she smiled sheepishly.

Rosie was shocked, no she was beyond shocked, Wura of all people was chosen by the Prince????!!! She was here attending a ball that was being held in WURA'S HONOUR??? This is just simply unfair, it was not fair at all!!

"My Princess, your drink" said Zechariah as he came back with a glass of red wine.

"Thank you Sir Zechariah" said Wura as she smiled and she took the glass of wine from him.

"Diwura you cannot be serious" said Rosie as she looked at Wura.

"Oh I am" said Wura as she did not seem to care at all.

"The Prince does not deserve you" said Rosie.

"Oh I completely agree with you Rosie" said Wura as she drank the wine, it would not make her get drunk seeing as it was freshly pressed.

"Oh you even know yourself" said Rosie.

"He deserves me" said Rosie with no ounce of shame at all.

"And who made you judge to determine who the Prince deserves or not??" asked Wura as she was just simply annoyed at this point, Rosie was truly being unbelievable.

"Trust me, I have good judgement" said Rosie.

"Oh I beg to differ Rosie" said Wura as she sighed.

"You know what, you just believe that you are all high and mighty because the prince was stupid enough to fall for you" said Rosie angrily.

Haha love??? Love was far from it, what she and Liam had was not love at all, it was more of a game, to see who would give in first, and it was definitely not going to be her.

"Well whatever I did worked, because I do not see him falling for you do I??" asked Wura.

"I....I.....UGH" said Rosie as she was speechless and she stormed away angrily.

Wura watched Rosie very closely, she was not dumb at all. and she had heard more than enough stories of ball mishaps, which was why she was sure that she had to go away from here and escape to somewhere safe.

Rosie had seemed to go and get herself a drink, to which Wura could decipher that Rosie planned to humiliate her after what she had just said, and her means to do so was very obvious seeing as she was walking right towards her with a glass of red wine in her hand.

It would be easy to say that it was a mistake, and Wura wanted to avoid her.

"Please excuse me for a moment" said Wura as she turned to look at the men.

"Alright Princess, is there a problem??" asked Mero as he looked at Wura.

"No... no there is no problem at all, I just need some fresh air" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright then" said Mero.

"Please allow me to take your glass My Princes" said Zuph quickly.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled and she gave him her glass.

"I will return soon" said Wura as she walked away out of the ballroom.

"Ughh!!" said Rosie as she saw Wura leaving, and was irritated her brilliant plan was foiled.