
"I no longer have doubt, it is clear as day who Liam inherited his stubbornness from" said Elihu as he laughed.

"His Majesty is a very stubborn man" said Elihu

"I can understand that he is" said Mero.

"After all only a stubborn, strong willed man would have been able to sit on the throne for as long as he had" said Mero as he was sharpening his word on the whetstone.

"I agree with Mero" said Luc.

"But who knew that lover boy Liam would be like this" said Luc.

"Never in my life, have I even imagined the day that Liam would rush in such a manner to reply to a letter sent to him by his betrothed" said Luc as he laughed.

"Well love is dangerous" said Zechariah as he laughed and Zuph laughed too.

"It is not love" said Mero as Liam had told him that he did not Love Lady Diwura at all, and that concerned Mero.

"I agree with Mero, he is correct" said Elihu as he spoke up and all the others sighed.

"I am sure that woman had charmed you all" said Elihu.

"That is why you all like her, and are fond of her" said Elihu.

"Oh haha very funny Elihu" said Zuph as he scoffed at Elihu.

"I only speak the truth brothers, only a witch can charm you all to like her" said Elihu.

"Even Mero is..." said Elihu as he stopped talking as Mero shot him a nasty glare.

"*Ahem*" said Elihu as he cleared his throat.

"As I was saying you are all charmed by her" said Elihu as he continued on.

"Well correct me if I am wrong, but if my memory served me right, you were the first one to greet her when Liam first introduced us, so does that not mean that you too are charmed??" asked Luc as he laughed and looked at Elihu.

"Well no" said Elihu.

"I have had my fair share of many women, and I could easily break out of her charm" said Elihu proudly.

"While all you inexperienced men fell right for her trap" said Elihu

"You fell for the batting of her eyelashes, the subtle smile on her face, her rosy cheeks, and her beautiful face" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"What a surprise, I never thought that you would pay so much attention to her" said Zuph as he scoffed.

"Everyone let us face the truth" said Luc as he laughed.

"Elihu is just upset because the Princess is the only woman that can refute him, and he is defenseless against her" said Luc as it laughed.

"It bruises his ego as a man" said Zuph as he laughed, Elihu could say whatever he wanted to say, but the truth remained that he was very petty and he had enmity towards an innocent maiden, just because she had shunned him off.

"I do not need any of her approval, I have more than enough approval from other maidens, who know worth when they see it" said Elihu smugly.

"Well truthfully speaking, you do need her approval, she is going to be the Princess after all" said Zechariah as Zuph was polishing the swords.

"I will never accept her as the Princess, and much more less at the future Queen" said Elihu as he was sure it would be a nightmare for him if Liam actually married Wura.

"Oh well it is not up to you to decide" said Zuph as he laughed.

"Well whatever you say, I know that I am irresistible with the maidens" said Elihu as he winked, he really was full of himself.

"You know I believe that you need to be reported to the Church, so that they will offer you the punishment that you truly deserve for being a womanizing mould of a man" said Luc as he laughed and the others joined him, while Mero just listened to the idle talk of the men.

"You can do as you please, I am just above the jurisdiction of the Church" said Elihu proudly.

"Oh is that so??" asked Zechariah as he scoffed, if he had a choice Elihu would not be the kind of man that he would keep as a brother in arms, his character was very different from the rest of them.

"Of course, you forget that I am one of the most trusted men of the prince" said Elihu.

"And your reputation would have been left good like that, but you just had to add your conniving, womanizing ways" said Zuph.

"As I said earlier, it is not my fault that women find me irresistible" said Elihu smugly.

"And the same way it also will not be your fault when you either catch a terrible illness, or a witch charms you and forces you to stay with her forever" said Luc as he laughed.

"Oh very funny" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"Yes, just invite us to the wedding and we would gladly attend" said Zuph as he laughed and Elihu shook his head at him.

"I can never be caged by any woman" said Elihu

"Oh we shall see" said Luc.

"What nonsense are you spewing out of your mouth Luc??" asked Elihu as he turned to look at Luc.

"Please do not tell me that you intend to use some sort of sorcery to turn yourself into a woman and try to catch me" said Elihu.

"You are very ill for spewing such nonsense out of your mouth Elihu" said Luc as he looked very offended and Zuph and Zechariah laughed while Mero look like he was ashamed with their behavior.

"Well it is only natural for me to think in such a manner" said Elihu as he scoffed.

"No it is not natural, not only is it unnatural, but I advise that you need to see a Physician to check the state of your mind" said Luc as he was sure that Elihu had more than a few screws loose in his head for him to say such nonsense, such blasphemy against him.

He was a man and he was proud of that, he would never even think of becoming a woman, and even if he was a woman, he would never fall for the likes of someone Elihu who was nothing but trouble.

"Oh very funny Luc, who knew you were so thin skinned that you cannot handle a little joke" said Elihu.

"And I am sure that if your manhood be taken away from you, you would act in an even harsher manner" said Luc.

"Okay enough, you all stop this nonsense of yours" said Mero as he had heard enough, this would soon turn into a fighting ring if he did not step in.

"Elihu you shall say nothing ill of the Princess, whether you like it or not, she forever remains the Princess" said Mero as he turned to look at Elihu and Elihu scoffed.

"And as for the rest of you, I was not aware that you all were so idle as to indulge yourself in meaningless babblings" said Mero as he looked at the others with a disappointed expression on his face and they all went quiet.

"If you are all so idle, I shall ask the squires to be relieved of their duties, and you all can take care of their duties for the rest of the day" said Mero

"No no Mero, we in fact have lots of work to accomplish today" said Zuph

"Yes we indeed have a lot of work, so we shall leave now" said Luc as they all left before Mero could punish them.

"You are still here??" asked Mero as he turned to look at Elihu.

"Of course, unlike those other cowards" said Elihu proudly.

"Alright then, all the shields need polishing" said Mero.

"I have no resolve against that" said Elihu as he leisurely took a cloth and he sat down next to Mero and began to polish the shields.

Two days later.

"Wura my dear, is everything alright?? are you packed and ready??" asked Tessa as she walked into Wura's room.

"Yes Aunt, everything is perfectly alright" said Wura as she turned around to look at Tessa.

"Oh alright my dear, I am just checking" said Tessa as she wanted to make sure that Wura did not forget anything, she was leaving for the Castle today after all.

"Aunt you do not need to worry, everything is alright" said Wura as she smiled even though she felt like dying on the inside, this was the first time she was going away from home, and it was permanent.

"Oh my dear, as much as I would like to be strong I cannot" said Tessa as she smiled sadly.

"Do not worry Aunt, I will make sure to come back here and visit you when I can" said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh my dear" said Tessa as she hugged Wura.

"Sorry to disturb you both, but the Prince has arrived" said Alessia as she knocked on the door.

Wura looked at Tessa, this was the path that she would never be able to turn around in.