Ask me a question

"My Princess" said Nora as she stood right behind where Wura was having her bath.

"Yes, what is it Nora??" asked Wura as she dipped her hair in the warm bath water.

"My Princess, may you please tell me your preference for the dress that you want to wear today??" asked Nora as she was seriously puzzled, she had hung out all of Wura's clothes into her closet and she did not know what to choose today for her princess.

"Just something simple and light Nora" said Wura as she smiled, she found Nora's question cute.

"Alright my Princess" said Nora as she sighed, at least now she had an idea of what she could choose for Wura.

Nora walked to Wura's closet and she opened it and searched for a dress, and her eyes landed on a simple blue dress with gold lining at the edges and on the neckline, which Nora found simple but elegant.

Nora removed the dress from the closet and she laid the dress neatly on Wura's bed ready to be worn

"My lady, do you need me to assist you with anything else??" asked Nora as she stood behind where Wura was bathing, and she could no longer hear the sound of water.

"No, Nora, I do not" said Wura as she finished bathing and she walked out into her room as she wore a light cloth and she dried her hair with a towel.

"Ahh my princess, please let me assist you in drying your hair" said Nora as she rushed to Wura.

"Alright" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled as Wura sat down on the stool at the wooden dressing table with a smile as Nora proceeded to dry her hair with the towel.

Wura smiled, she had now noticed that she and Nora were about of the same high, only that she was taller than Nora a bit.

"Nora how old are you?" asked Wura as she looked at Nora's reflection through the mirror.

"Well my princess, I am eighteen years of age" replied Nora as she could not possibly ask the princess for her age, that would be a certain taboo.

"Really??" asked Wura as she smiled, she was right.

"Yes my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head as she focused on drying Wura's hair well enough for it to dry before it was time for her to go down for breakfast.

"That means that we are of the same age" said Wura as she smiled.

"I am also eighteen years of age" said Wura.

"I am honoured to be as old as you are my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"And how long have you been working in the Castle?" sked Wura.

"Well I started working here not too long ago my Princess" said Nora as she looked at Wura's reflection through the mirror and she quickly looked away.

"Do you like it here??" asked Wura as she was curious to if the maids and servants like living in the Castle.

"Well I cannot complain my princess, we are treated very well here, way better than outside the Castle" said Nora.

"I see" said Wura as she seemed to be thinking.

"Yes my Princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"How about you ask me a question??" asked Wura.

"I have been the one asking you questions all this while, so why do you not ask me a question for a change??" asked Wura as she laughed.

"Oh No, oh no, no, no, my princess" said Nora as she shook her head.

"How can I possibly even dare think of asking you a question my princess, I am not worthy to do so at all" said Nora as she shook her head violently.

"No Nora, I do not mind at all" said Wura.

"I have allowed you to speak freely" said Wura as she smiled.

"It would really make me happy if you did ask me a question" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora and she smiled.

"Really my princess??" asked Nora as she looked at Wura with wide eyes.

"Of course" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright then" said Nora as she seemed to be thinking, she did not know what toa ask Wura.

"My Princess, what is your favourite colour??" asked Nora as that was the only think she could think of to ask Wura.

"That is a good question" said Wura as she laughed and for once Nora smiled.

"Well I would say that my favourite colour is gold" said Wura as she smiled.

"Why is it my princess??" asked Nora.

"Well because my name means gold, and I have always been interested in the colour, it stands on its own, it is bold and bright, and it always shines" said Wura as she smiled.

"That sounds very interesting my Princess" said Nora as she smiled.

"Yes" said Wura.

"And what is your favourite colour??" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Ahhh well my princess, it is midnight blue" said Nora.

"Because I love to stare at the sky at night, and that colour is simply enchanting to me" said Nora as she smiled and for once she looked very passionate about what she was talking about.

"That is very nice" said Wura as she smiled, she could see the passion in Nora's eyes as she spoke about something she loved.

Midnight blue was a nice choice of colour, not only could it appear black, but as Nora had said, the colour was simply enchanting, Wura could understand Nora well, she too loved to look at the night sky, especially during the summertime and springtime when it was not too cold to be outside.

"Which is your favourite season??" asked Wura as she smiled.

"I would say Summer my Princess, because everywhere is warm and fuzzy, and it is simply just wonderful for everything to be bright" said Nora.

"I also agree with you" said Wura as she smiled.

"My favourite season is the Spring, because it is when the flowers begin to blossom, animals that have been sleeping begin to awake, and the weather is warm" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled too.

"My Princess, I have finished drying your hair, it is time to get you ready for breakfast" said Nora.

"Oh well, alright then Nora" said Wura.

"Yes my princess" said Nora as she hung the towel on top of the mirror and she walked to Wura's bed and she picked the blue dress off the bed and she walked back to Wura.

"My Princess, do you like the dress that I picked out for you?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Yes… yes I do Nora, it is very simple, just as I like it" said Wura as she smiled.

"I am glad that you think so my Princess" said Nora as she smiled brightly for once, she was happy that she had made Wura happy.

"Let me help you wear it my lady" said Nora.

"Alright" said Wura as she smiled and she nodded her head, at least now she had a companion in this very big lonely Castle where she had one sole enemy which was none other than Liam.

"Good Morrow Father" said Liam as he walked into the dining room and he walked to give Alaric a kiss on the back of his hand before he sat down at the dining table.

"Good Morrow my boy" said Alaric as he smiled at his son.

"How was your night Father??' asked Liam as he turned to look at Alaric.

"It was very good, and how was your night my boy??" asked Alaric as he smiled.

"It was good too father" said Liam as he smiled.

"I am glad" said Alaric as he smiled.

"And how is our newest resident at the Castle??" asked Alaric with a smile.

"I checked on her early this morning Father, and she seemed to be doing well, although she appeared to feel a bit chilly" said Liam.

"Oh?? Well then increase the heat in her room" said Alaric as he did not want Wura to get sick just in her first day of moving to the Castle.

"No, she claimed that she was fine, but father something tells me that she does not really feel cold at all" said Liam as he scoffed, Wura was very weird, and he was sure that there was another reason for her wearing her coat inside the warm Castle.

"Well whatever do you mean my boy??" asked Alaric.

"It is nothing important father" said Liam as he smiled at Alaric, his father would not understand what he meant even if he made an attempt to explain to him.

"Oh well alright, I will leave you young children to your affairs" said Alaric as he looked very offended that Liam did not carry him along.

"Oh father, do not say that" said Liam as he laughed his father was overreacting, was it now unfair for him to keep some things to himself?

"Mhmm" said Alaric as Liam laughed.

"And when will your beloved be joining us??" asked Alaric.

"Well I believe that very soon she will join us Father" said Liam as he smiled.

"Alright then my boy" said Alaric as he smiled.