Uttermost Importance

"Ahh Master Richard, finally I found someone in this house" said Alessia as she sighed in relief and she walked to where Richard was, she had been looking for someone, anyone at least, and she could find no one at all, it seemed that ever since Wura left the house was empty.

Alessia was sure that maybe Master Lawrence and Lady Ireti had left the house, and they had not bothered to inform her, so she had no idea at all, and she went looking for either one of them, but she could not find them anywhere at all, and then she tried looking for Tessa, but she could not find her either, and luckily for her, as she was just about to give up, she had seen Richard.

"What is it Alessia??" asked Richard as he turned to look at Alessia, he wondered she looked like she was tired.

"I have been looking for everyone all day" said Alessia.

"Lawrence and Ireti went to a meeting with one of the other Duke and Duchesses, and Tessa is sleeping" said Richard.

"Ahh I thought as much, no wonder the house was so empty" said Alessia as she sighed.

"Yes" said Richard.

"So what is it that you need??" asked Richard.

"Ahh well Master Richard, nothing at all, I just wanted to inform you that you received a letter from the Castle today, and it is of the uttermost importance" said Alessia.

"Alright then, give it to me" said Richard.

"Alright then" said Alessia as she gave Richard the letter.

"See you later Master Richard" said Alessia as she smiled and walked away.

"Mhmm" said Richard as he paid no attention to Alessia at all, Richard flinched a bit, his fingers still hurt as he had pricked them.. multiple times, in an attempt to please his very demanding wife, and he did tell himself that he would regret agreeing to do what she wanted.

Richard quickly opened the letter, he thought that maybe it was urgent and maybe something happened to Wura, and he wanted to make sure that she was doing alright, Richard read the letter quickly and he skimmed through it, and he calmed down.

It was not really urgent, he laughed at himself for overreacting, Wura was probably doing alright, if she was not the Prince would have informed them, anyway, the letter was apparently urgent well because it was the invitation that was sent to their family for the wedding.

To be very honest with you, Richard was still not happy about the fact that Wura had decided to marry Liam, and very early for that matter, she was only eighteen, and there was still much more that she could have done and achieved rather than getting married at that age.

But Richard had tried his way and luck to try to talk her out of her decision, but to no avail, she did not listen to him at all, Wura was somebody very stubborn, it was what she wanted to do, and what she had set her mind to that she would do.

And Richard was not one to force somebody into something that they did not want to do, so he just let her be, and he supported her in his own way, for a brief second he had even forgotten that she was going to get married, and that was not because the wedding was too far, no it was quite the opposite, it was the fact that the wedding was so close, that no one actually had the right head space to comprehend that Wura was actually getting married.

"Richie??" asked Tessa as she walked down the stairs, she had just woken up from her nap.

"What are you doing standing there??" asked Tessa as she snapped Richard out of his thoughts, his position was odd, he was just standing at the end of the stairs, with a grim expression on his face, that was mixed with sadness, and he stood still and he did not move at all.

"And what are you folding in your hand??" asked Tessa as she was curious as to what it was that Richard was holding in his hand.

"Wildvine you are awake" said Richard as he turned to look at Tessa.

"Mhmm" said Tessa as she nodded her head and she grabbed the letter from his hand without warning, and Richard laughed as he shook his head.

"You do know that you could have to asked to see the letter" said Richard as he shook his head, even he did not see that coming.

"Well knowing you, and how secretive you are, I would not trust you to give me the letter" said Tessa as she pouted.

"For all I know, you might just make up an excuse, and hide this letter away, and I would not know what is going on" said Tessa as she shook her head at Richard.

"Well that is not the case here Wildvine" said Richard as he smiled, Tessa knew him well.

"That letter is an invitation" said Richard as he watched Tessa open up the letter.

"An invitation for what??" asked Tessa as she paused in her movements and she looked up at Richard.

"An Invitation to Wura's wedding" said Richard as he sighed.

"Wait really??" asked Tessa as she looked at Richard with wide eyes, and he nodded at her, she too had forgotten about Wura's wedding, but that was because she thought that maybe they would have postponed the wedding, due to the winter weather, but that did not seem to be the case.

"It really is an invitation to the wedding" said Tessa as she read through the invitation herself.

"Mhmm it is" said Richard.

"Wait where is my brother and Reti??" asked Tessa as she looked up at Richard.

"Well they are yet to return from their meeting with the other Duke and Duchess" said Richard.

"Oh yes" said Tessa as she finally seemed to remember.

"Duke and Duchess Williams, invited them and some other Dukes and Duchesses, for a meeting of some sort" said Tessa.

"Yes, so we will just inform them when they arrive" said Richard.

"The invitation reads that we and out whole household is invited" said Tessa.

"I am sure that Beatrice, Alessia, and the rest will be thrilled to attend Wura's wedding" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Oh which reminds me, I need a new dress to be made for the wedding" said Tessa as she was already thinking of which fabric, and pattern that she wanted for her dress.

"Wildvine, you have more than enough dresses" said Richard as he walked to the drawing room, and Tessa followed behind him.

"No Richie, I do not, none of them fit me anymore, because of my big tummy" said Tessa as she pouted as Richard sat down.

"Mhmm" said Richard as he scoffed, if that was so, which dress was she wearing right now??

"Oh come on Richie, do not look at me in that manner" said Tessa.

"Alright I admit, that some of them still do fit me" said Tessa.

"But only a teeny tiny part of them" said Tessa.

"Mhmm" said Richard once again, as both he and Tessa knew the truth.

"Alright, but I am the Aunt of the Bride, so I must also look presentable" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Yes, but it is Wura's wedding, and not yours, we do not need you outshining the bride, because you naturally shine" said Richard as he said that with a straight face.

"Aww Richie" said Tessa as she smiled and she gave him a kiss on the cheek, she was always never prepared for when he said such sweet things.

"Alright you are right, it is Wura's day" said Tessa.

"But regardless, I will call my personal seamstress to make me a new simple dress" said Tessa as she smiled.

"Alright then" said Richard as he was sure that Tessa's definition of simple was something else entirely.

"And you also need some new clothes" said Tessa as she smiled excitedly.

"No" said Richard.

"Oh but come on Richie, please" said Tessa as she pleaded with him.

"I also want you to look handsome on that day" she said.

"And besides, there is no need for the seamstress to come and take your measurements, she still has your old measurements, and you have not grown fatter in a while" said Tessa and she smiled.

Richard turned to look at Tessa in disbelief, did she just call him fat??

"Oh Richie, you know that by fat, I mean you are more able-bodied, besides, being fat is good, it is a good sign to show that I have been taking care of you" said Tessa as she smiled, she knew what it was that Richard was thinking about.

"Not thanks to your food though" said Richard to himself as he shook his head.

"Pleasee, please" said Tessa as she pleaded with him.

"Alright then" said Richard as he sighed.

"Yayyy, thank you Richie" said Tessa as she laughed.

"My precious baby girl, do you hear that, your father is going to look very handsome" said Tessa as she placed her hands on her stomach and she smiled, and Richard smiled too.