On my mind

"Well…" said Nora as she hesitated once again and Wura just waited patiently for her to find her voice.

"Well my princess, if I was you, I would not marry the prince" said Nora as she sighed and she looked at Wura.

"And why is that Nora?" asked Wura as she was curious as to why Nora would say no.

"Well simply because my princess, the life of royalty is not for me at all" said Nora.

"I do not like to be seen or to be heard, I would rather stay hidden in the shadows, where no one would see me" said Nora as she was being honest.

"I can understand you Nora" said Wura as she sighed and she smiled, she also thought the same, she was not one to live a lavish life, she rather liked to live simple, that was how she was raised, however, she had so much pride, that she would not stoop beneath Liam, and hence why she was here now.

"You do my princess??" asked Nora as she looked at Wura in surprise.

"Yes… of course I do Nora" said Wura as she laughed at Nora's surprised expression.

"I am not someone who also likes to be seen too" said Wura as she smiled.

"I never noticed my princess" said Nora.

"Well I like you, and you are my personal maid, so I can be free with you" said Wura as she smiled.

"I am honoured my princess" said Nora as she smiled slightly and Wura smiled too.

"Anyway, I am sure that I have kept you here long enough, you may go now" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my princess" said Nora as she smiled slightly and she bowed.

"You are welcome" said Wura as she smiled as Nora left the room.

The next morning.

"Good Morrow my princess" said Nora as she smiled and she entered Wura's room.

"Good Morrow Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she sat upright in her bed, she had just woken up.

"My Princess, his highness had asked me to bring your breakfast to your room, seeing as he and his Majesty will not be able to eat breakfast with you today" said Nora.

"Oh… Umm alright" said Wura as she smiled, she did not know why, but every morning that she woke up she looked forward to having breakfast with Liam and Alaric, and her eating alone today made her feel somewhat sad.

"His highness said that he did not want you eating alone in the dining room" said Nora.

"Well that is… very thoughtful of him" said Wura as she did not know what else to say, at least Liam thought about how she would feel.

"Shall I bring your breakfast my princess??" asked Nora.

"Yes Nora, you can bring my breakfast" said Wura as she looked at Nora as she smiled.

"Alright my princess, I will return soon" said Nora as she bowed her head slightly and she walked out of Wura's room.

"As I was saying my highnesses the situation in the North is perfectly fine, I have done my research and there is nothing suspicious going on there" said a black haired man as he looked at Liam and Alaric as he spoke to them.

"I am glad to hear that Baron Melvin" said Alaric as he smiled.

"I do trust you Baron Melvin, but are you sure of what you are saying?" asked Liam as he looked at Baron Melvin.

"My Prince, I am very sure, I have made sure to carry out a through investigation" said Baron Melvin.

"And it seems that the trouble earlier, was nothing but a minor distraction to draw our eyes away from the East" said Baron Melvin.

"Liam thought the exact same thing" said Alaric as he turned to look at Liam.

"Regardless of whether or not things seem fine now" said Liam.

"We all still need to be alert, anything can happen at any time" said Liam as he had learnt that you could never be sure of anything.

"You can count on me my prince, I will make sure to be alert" said Baron Melvin.

"Alright then" said Liam as he nodded his head.

"Well then, I will be taking my leave now, please excuse me, your highnesses" said Baron Melvin as he stood up.

"Alright then you may be excused Baron Melvin" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Thank you" said Alaric with a smile.

"You are welcome your Majesty" said Baron Melvin as he smiled and he left Alaric's office.

"Oh my boy, so what are your thoughts?" asked Alaric as he turned to look at Liam who was sitting right beside him.

"Well Father, things are not always like they seem" said Liam.

"Then do you not trust him?" asked Alaric.

"It is not a matter of trust father, but rather a matter of him being fed with what he wants to see" said Liam as he turned to look at Alaric.

"Then do you think that he is being played?" asked Alaric.

"Well father, there are always people lurking in the shadows, do you not think so?" asked Liam as he looked at Alaric.

"Well my boy, you do have a point" said Alaric.

"Anyway, with this early meeting we had with Baron Melvin, we left Lady Diwura all alone" said Alaric as he finally remembered Wura.

"Well there is no need to worry about that Father" said Liam.

"I already took care of it, I asked her personal maid to bring her food to her room" said Liam.

"That was very thoughtful of you my boy" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Oh father" said Liam as he smiled and he shook his head.

"It is good that you know how to treat a woman" said Alaric as he smiled.

"And who told you that I do not already know how to do so father?" asked Liam as he looked at Alaric.

"Well do not ask me that Liam, you are always so cold to everyone" said Alaric as he laughed.

"Well that is because I needed to be" said Liam as he smiled.

"Regardless my boy, I am sure that she will appreciate the kind gesture, and I hope she knows that she is always on your mind" said Alaric as he laughed.

"Is she truly always on my mind?" asked Liam to himself as the thought.

"Well now my boy, we have another meeting with one of the merchants" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Oh well alright then" said Liam as he sighed, today would be a very busy day for him.

"My Princess, the Seamstress Lady Lillia is here" said Nora as she walked into Wura's room as Wura was reading a book that Nora had found in her stuff as she was cleaning today.

"Oh, is that so?" asked Wura as she looked up at Nora.

"Yes my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Alright then, let her in" said Wura as she smiled and she closed the book as she stood up.

"Alright my princess" said Nora as she bowed and she walked out of Wura's room.

A few moments later Nora walked back into Wura's room while leading Lilia behind her.

"Good Morrow my princess" said Lilia with a smile as she bowed.

"Good Morrow Lilia" said Wura as she smiled and Lilia rose up.

"Oh my, do I say that every time I see you, you seem to grow more beautiful" said Lilia as she smiled.

"Oh you flatter me Lady Lilia" said Wura as she smiled, she was wearing nothing extravagant at all, just a plain blue dress, which she felt more comfortable in.

"My Princess, I come here today to present your wedding dress to you" said Lilia as she turned to Nora who was holding a box in her hand and she gave it to Lilia.

"Thank you Lilia" said Wura as she smiled and she took the box from Lilia.

"My princess, do you not want to check the dress, and see it for yourself, if everything is to your liking?" asked Lilia.

"Well there is no need for that Lilia, I trust you" said Wura as she smiled, even though the truth was that she did not want to look at the wedding dress at all, because it was the one thing that reminded her of her impending doom.

"I am honoured that you trust me my princess" said Lilia as she smiled and Wura smiled back.

"Um Lilia, I know that this is late, but may I ask you for a favour?" asked Wura.

"Ask away my princess, anything you ask I will do" said Lilia as she smiled.

"Alright, thank you" said Wura as she smiled sweetly at Lilia.

"Well I need you to make another dress" said Wura.

"Alright my Princess, is the dress for you or??" asked Lilia as Wura walked closer and she whispered in Lilia's ear.

"Oh I see, alright my princess" said Lilia as she smiled and she nodded her head, while Nora wondered what is was that Wura asked Lilia for.

"So can you do it for me?" asked Wura as she stepped back.

"Of course I princess, you can trust me, I will have it ready" said Lilia as she smiled.

"Thank you Lilia" said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh you do not need to thank me my princess" said Lilia as she smiled.

"Well I need to take my leave now" said Lilia.

"Alright then Lilia, I will see you soon" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my princess, and so will I" said Lilia as she smiled and she walked away.

"Nora, can you please keep the wedding dress somewhere safe?" asked Wura as she turned to look at Nora.

"Alright my princess, I will do so right away" said Nora as she nodded her head and she walked to carry the box and keep it for the big day that was in two days now.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled and Nora nodded her head.