The Day

"My Princess…" called Nora as she looked at Wura who was sitting on her bed deep in thoughts.

"My Princess" called Nora once again as Wura did not reply to her.

"My princess… are you alright?" asked Nora as she had never seen Wura this quiet before.

"Ahh…" said Wura as she snapped out of her thoughts and she turned to look at Nora.

"My princess, are you alright?" asked Nora as she looked worried, she had never seen Wura so lost in thought before.

"Oh, I am fine Nora" said Wura.

"Alright my princess" said Nora as she did not know what else to say, if Wura said that she was alright, then she was alright.

"Yes" said Wura.

"My princess, I have cleaned your room , and I have arranged your closet, do you need me to do anything else for you?" asked Nora.

"Ah, no, No Nora, it is alright" said Wura.

"You can go now, and have a goodnight Nora" said Wura as she smiled at Nora.

"Alright my princess, have a goodnight as well" said Nora as she bowed her head and she turned to leave Wura's room as she halted in her steps and she turned back to look at Wura.

"Is something the matter?" asked Wura as she noticed that Nora had stopped and she had turned to look back at her.

"Well No my princess…" said Nora as she hesitated.

"I… I just wanted to say thank you again… for the dress my princess" said Nora as she maintained eye contact with Wura and she smiled.

"You are welcome Nora, there is no need to mention it at all" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my princess" said Nora as she smiled, that was all she could say, she could not truly express the feeling she had for the dress that Wura had specifically made for her.

"You have said that already" said Wura as she laughed, she liked Nora's gratefulness.

"It is getting late Nora, go and rest" said Wura as she smiled.

"Ah.. yes my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"I will leave you to rest well now my princess, seeing as tomorrow is a very big day" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright Nora Goodnight" said Wura as she smiled.

"Goodnight my princess" said Nora as she smiled once more and she bowed her head and left Wura's room.

Wura could hear the footsteps of Nora's feet on the ground, until they gradually and gradually became more faint, until finally she could not hear them again.

"*Sigh*, tomorrow is truly a big day" said Wura to herself as she sighed.

"I am getting married??" asked Wura to herself in uncertainty.

"I…am…getting…married?" said Wura as if she was trying to assure herself that everything would be alright.

"Alright" said Wura as she sighed, she grabbed a pillow and she felt it tightly to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep even though her thoughts kept on raging, and her heart kept on beating, she did not know why, but she felt bad when she had heard Liam ask why she wanted to marry him, and she could not give him an answer, she felt like she was being unfair to both of them, she did not love him, and he did not love her at all, they were basically just getting married, just because.

"I really hope you know what are you doing Wura" said Wura to herself as she sighed.

The Next Morning.

Today was the long awaited day, the day of Joy for mostly everyone in the Kingdom, it was the day that their beloved and only Prince Liam would get married to Lady Diwura Lily Scot daughter of the Duke and Duchess Scot, it was a joyous union.

Some were filled with happiness that the next generation of the Throne was secured, while others still felt scornful or bitter that they were not the one chosen by the prince, but regardless of what your views were, the wedding was happening whether you liked it or not, and soon the union of the two families would be joined.

On this frosty winter morning, all the Kingdom was getting ready with their best dress and attire, to look good for the Wedding, they would head to the Church before the service began to give thanks, and after that, the Prince should arrive, and then followed the Princess.

The entire Kingdom was decorated beautifully, with people who lived in the east, west and North of the Kingdom journeyed down to join in the celebration, safety was of the uttermost importance, which was why Mero and the others were put in charge, to direct the guards and the knights, and to make sure that nothing ruined this merry occasion.

While the whole Kingdom was already awake early on this fine morning, a certain someone was still sleeping without a care in the world.

"My princess…" called Nora.

"My princess, the Morrow, has come, please wake up" said Nora as she tried her best to wake Wura up, she had been trying for the past minutes now, and to no avail, Wura was still sleeping as if she had been charmed.

"My Princess??" called Nora once again, before she finally decided to give up and let Wura rest, today was going to be a very busy and important day for her, so she would just let her sleep, while she prepared everything else.

"Well I am unable to wake up the princess, but that is no matter at all" said Nora as she walked to Wura's room door, and she spoke to the maids that were waiting outside Wura's room, they were all here to help Wura get ready, per Lady Marli's orders.

"Girls, please go to the kitchen and bring the buckets of hot water so I can prepare the princess's bath" said Nora.

"Alright Nora" said seven of the maids as they nodded their head and they rushed to the kitchen.

"The rest of you, please prepare the herbs for the bath" said Nora as she turned to look at the remaining three maids.

"Alright Nora" said the maids as they nodded their head and they left to get the herbs.

Nora walked back into Wura's room, and in a matter of a few minutes, the maids sent to get the hot water had already come back, and in no time at all, the bath was already full of water for Wura's bath.

Nora dipped her hand into the bath, and she removed it quickly.

"The bath is too hot, we need some cold water to balance it out" said Nora as she now regretted dipping her whole hand into the bath, they were only trying to bathe the princess, and not boil her.

"Yes Nora" said one of the maids as they rushed to the kitchen to get a bucket of snow, they had a lot of it, so why could they not use it at all?

"Here is the snow" said the maid as she returned a few minutes later.

"Alright, thank you" said Nora a she took the bucket of snow and she poured it into the bath and this time she dipped her finger into the water.

"Now that is better" said Nora as the water was now fine, it was neither too cold nor too hot, it was just right.

"Please bring me the herbs" said Nora as she turned to the maids and they nodded and they each passed her a bucket.

Nora collected the bucket, and she added dry rosemary to the bath, and she was passed another bucket, which contained dry jasmine flower petals, which she also added to the bath, and she was passed yet another bucket, which contained dry lavender, which she also added to the bath, Nora smiled, the bath water smelt heavenly.

But this was not all, according to royal tradition, royal brides must be bathed with fresh herbs to cleanse them, and if not for the fact that this was winter, Wura's bath would have had more herbs than these three, but these were the only ones they could find in such cold weather.

"Please prepare the sweet smelling oils that the Princess will be rubbed with after her bath" said Nora as she turned to look at the maids.

"Right away Nora" said one of the maids as she turned to leave the room.

Everything was already settled, now came the hardest part, which to Nora was trying to wake their sleeping princess, this was strange because Wura was usually an early person, she always woke up early in the morning, and Nora found it weird that all the noise they were making did not even wake up Wura the slightest bit.

"You all can wait In here, I will go and wake up the princess" said Nora as she turned to the nine remaining maids.

"Yes Nora" said the maids as they nodded their head and Nora walked out of the bath room to wake Wura up.

"My princess" said Nora as she bent down beside Wura's bed.

"My princess, please wake up" said Nora as she looked at Wura's sleeping peaceful face.