Time alone

Three days later.

"Ahh my boy, I have been thinking" said Alaric as he looked at Liam and he smiled at him.

"What is it father?" asked Liam as he placed a book on the bookshelf in his father's office as he turned around to look at Alaric.

"You and your wife need to spend some more time together" said Alaric with a smile.

"But we see each other many times during the day" said Liam as he did not understand what his father was trying to say, but he just sat down across his father on the other couch.

"Well you see that is not enough my boy it is not" said Alaric.

"I am sure that my dear daughter has grown weary of being in the Castle all day and all night" said Alaric.

"Hmmm" said Liam as he knew that his father was driving at something else.

"So what do you suggest?" asked Liam as he looked at his father, he found it truly surprising the way Alaric grew very fond of Wura in such a short amount of time, he accepted her wholeheartedly into his family, with no reservations at all.

"Well my boy, there is nothing better to strengthen the bond between a man and his wife, than an outing" said Alaric as he smiled.

"An outing?" asked Liam as he did not quite know what his father was referring to.

"Yes my boy an outing, such as a picnic" said Alaric as he explained and he smiled.

"Father, you do realize that we are in the middle of winter" said Liam as he smiled in amusement, he wondered if his father forgot that snow covered everywhere, there was no meadow for them to hold a picnic.

"Yes I do my boy, and I also know of the springs in the forest, that area is clear of snow" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Father" said Liam as he shook his head and he laughed, his father had already thought of everything, so he had no excuse to refute him at all.

"Yes my boy, I do suggest that you and Wura go on a picnic together, to spend some time alone, without anybody else" said Alaric as he smiled, he only wanted his son and wife to get along well with no problems at all.

"But father, I have some matters to tend to with some of the Kingdom's records" said Liam as he tried to make an excuse.

"Oh my boy, that can wait" said Alaric.

"If you are this busy now as a Prince, imagine when you become King??" asked Alaric.

"Are you telling me that you would no longer have time for your wife?" asked Alaric.

"The most important woman in your life is her, and no matter what you must have time for her, and her alone" said Alaric.

"Father, you do make me feel guilty" said Liam as he smiled, he knew his father was right, if he was making excuses of being busy now, and then what would he say when he finally becomes the King?

"My boy, it is your duty as a husband to make time for your wife, no matter the circumstances" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Alright Father, I do hear you" said Liam as he smiled.

"Good my boy, now, I will ask some of the maids to prepare the picnic area, and you and your wife, should go and spend some quality time alone there" said Alaric as he smiled.

"You do seem to have thought of everything father" said Liam as he laughed.

"Of course I have, it is my duty as your father to guide you, and make sure you make no mistakes in any area of your life, including your marriage my boy" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Alright Father, I will do as you say" said Liam as he smiled.

"Now that is my boy" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Alright father, I shall go and inform her now" said Liam as he smiled.

"Alright my boy, and make sure to enjoy your time with your wife" said Alaric as he smiled.

"I will father, and make sure you take everything easy" said Liam as he smiled.

"I will my boy, I will" said Alaric as he smiled and Liam smiled as he walked out of Alaric's office.

"My princess…" said Nora as she walked into Wura's room.

"Yes Nora, what is it?" asked Wura as she looked up and she smiled at Nora as she put her finger in the book she was reading and she closed it so she would not loose her chapter in the book.

"My princess, his highness just spoke to me" said Nora.

"Alright??" said Wura as she did not know how that concerned her at all.

"He says that I should inform you to get ready, seeing as he wants to take you out" said Nora.

"Out to where??" asked Wura as she looked confused.

"Well he did not say where my princess" said Nora.

"Alright??" said Wura as she was still confused, just where exactly was he going to take her to? As far as she knew it was the middle of winter, and there was nowhere that was not cold or filled with snow.

"My Princess, I need to get you ready" said Nora.

"Will you allow me to?" asked Nora.

"Well alright Nora" said Wura as she closed the book she was reading and she placed it beside her bed.

"My princess, what would you like to wear?" asked Nora as she looked through Wura's closet.

"Just something simple Nora" said Wura as she sighed.

"And also, I do not want to wear my coat, I want to wear something lighter" said Wura.

"Alright my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head and she looked through Wura's closet.

"And which colour would you prefer to wear today my princess?" asked Nora as she turned to look at Wura.

"Ahh well, you can choose the colour Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my princess" said Nora as she smiled.

"Liam just told me that he is going out with the Princess" said Zuph as he walked to where Elihu, Luc and Zechariah were standing.

"Oh well that sounds nice" said Zechariah as he smiled.

"And where are they going?" asked Luc.

"Well to the forest, apparently his Majesty suggested they have a picnic there" said Zuph as he smiled.

"Well that sounds nice" said Luc as he smiled.

"Does Liam wish for us to follow them, just in case of their safety??" asked Zechariah.

"I hope not" said Elihu as he did not think he could stand Liam acting all like a fool just because of that woman, he was not going to pretend that he liked her, because he truly did not.

"Well no, he says that he would like them to be alone" said Zuph as he smiled and the rest of them ignored Elihu's earlier statement.

"Ooooh, I see Liam wants to spend some quality time with his wife" said Luc as he winked and Zuph laughed.

"Is that not the normal thing?" asked Zechariah as he laughed and Elihu scoffed.

"I just hope that they will be alright, since Liam has insisted that they go alone with no protection" said Zuph.

"Well I am sure that they will be fine, nothing bad will happen to them, you worry too much Zuph" said Luc as he laughed.

"I hope you are right" said Zuph as he laughed.

"You all are bad knights" said Elihu.

"And you are a counterfeit knight" said Luc as he turned to Elihu and the other's laughed.

"You do know that if Mero was here, he would accuse us all of being lazy" said Zechariah as he laughed.

"And that is why it is a partially good thing that he is not here" said Zuph as he laughed.

"Mhmm" said Zechariah as he laughed and he shook his head.

"My princess, I am done now" said Nora as she finished brushing Wura's hair and she placed down the brush on the table.

"Alright, thank you Nora" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora and she smiled at her.

"My princess, his highness asked me to bring you to the stables" said Nora as she remembered.

"The stables??" asked Wura as she was surprised.

"Yes my princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Alright then" said Wura as she was still surprised, just where were they going, because if they were really going out, then she should have met him at the Castle gate.

"Please follow me my princess" said Nora as she stepped back.

"Alright Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she stood up from her dressing table as Nora opened the door for her.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she walked out the door with a smile and Nora smiled back at her as she closed the door behind her.