Thank you

"Good Morrow my princess" said Nora as she walked into Wura's room and she smiled as she saw that Wura was already awake and she sitting at her dressing table as she was looking at her messy hair, as she was still in her white nightgown.

"Good Morrow Nora" said Wura as she turned around to look at Nora and she smiled at her, Nora had noticed that ever since she come back from her outing with Liam yesterday, Wura had been happier than ever, she had also been more lively.

"My princess, what would you like to wear today?" asked Nora as she walked to Wura's closet.

"You can choose for me Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she twirled a strand of her hair with her finger.

"Alright my princess" said Nora as she was about to start going through the dresses in Wura's closet when a knock on the door suddenly interrupted her.

"I will get it my princess" said Nora as she closed the doors of Wura's closet and she walked to the door of Wura's room and she opened the door.

"Good Morrow my lady" said Nora as she bowed as she saw who it was.

"Good Morrow Nora, is the princess in? I would like to see her" said the woman that was at the door.

"Ahh of course, she is in, please come in my lady" said Nora as she stepped aside.

"Thank you Nora" said Lady Marli as she smiled and she stepped into the room as Nora closed the door.

"This is a surprise" said Wura as she saw Lady Marli's reflection in the dressing table mirror and she stood up as she smiled.

"Good Morrow my princess, I am sorry for coming here unannounced" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"It is alright Lady Marli, Good Morrow, you can always come here when you want" said Wura as she smiled, she did not expect to see Lady Marli this early in the morning, it was a surprise to her.

"I truly thank you for your kindness my princess" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"You do not need to, we always need to be kind to everyone" said Wura as she smiled and Lady Marli smiled at her as well.

"So what brings you here Lady Marli?" asked Wura.

"Do you require me to do something for you?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"No… no my princess, I do not need you to do anything for me" said Lady Marli.

"On the contrary, I am here to thank you" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Thank me??" asked Wura in surprise and Lady Marli nodded her head.

"Thank me for what?" asked Wura as she did not understand, even Nora who was standing in the corner quietly was wondering what Lady Marli was thanking the princess for.

"Well my princess, after what we had spoken about, I realized that you were right" said Lady Marli.

"I needed a break, some time to myself" she said.

"And even though this Castle will forever be my home, I must leave for a little while" said Lady Marli.

"You are leaving Lady Marli?" asked Wura as she did not know this at all.

"Yes my princess, I am leaving, but I shall return soon" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"I just want to say thank you, thank you for being so nice and kind to me, and thank you for being understanding" said Lady Marli as she smiled sincerely at Wura.

"There is no need to thank me Lady Marli, I only did as I was taught to, to be nice and kind to everyone" said Wura as she smiled.

"But I truly and sincerely thank you" said Lady Marli as she smiled, once she has spoken to Wura, she had began to think, and she had concluded that she truly needed some rest, she had served well and it was time for her to relax.

"You are welcome Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled, she was happy that she could have rendered some help to Lady Marli.

"My princess may I hug you?" asked Lady Marli and Nora was shocked, she almost broke her straight face, since when did Lady Marli like to hug anyone??

"Of course you may, you do not even need to ask at all" said Wura as she laughed and Lady Marli hugged her.

"Thank you my princess" said Lady Marli once again as she hugged Wura.

"You are welcome Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled and Lady Marli broke their hug.

"I truly wish you safe journeys Lady Marli, and a swift return" said Wura as she smiled.

"Thank you my princess, I shall take my leave now" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Goodbye Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled.

"Goodbye my princess, and take care Nora" said Lady Marli as she smiled and she turned to look at Nora who had opened the door for her and Nora smiled as she bowed her head and Lady Marli left the room as Nora closed the door behind her, and she turned to look at Wura.

Nora was left shocked, she had never thought that she would ever see Lady Marli in that way, and it was all because of the princess, the princess really was a special woman, she had the ability to make anyone and everyone like her, it was just part of her natural charm.

"Lady Marli seems really nice, I truly hope that she enjoys her rest" said Wura as she smiled and she sat down on her bed.

"My princess…" called Nora.

"Yes Nora" said Wura as she looked at Nora and she smiled.

"May I ask you a question?" asked Nora.

"Of course you may, you do not even need to ask" said Wura as she smiled.

"Please forgive me for saying this my princess but…" said Nora as she hesitated.

"But you are not like most ladies" said Nora as she finally decided to say what was on her mind.

"How do you mean Nora?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Well my princess, I mean… you are different, you are not like other ladies… in a good way" said Nora as she hesitated.

"What makes you say that Nora?" asked Wura as she laughed, she liked that Nora was being more honest and open with her.

"Well my princess, you are nice, you are kind and you are sweet, you make everyone around you feel equal with you, and you always smile" said Nora as she explained.

"And not many ladies are as honesty and trustworthy as you are" said Nora, and believe her, she knew what she was saying, before she had come to work at the Castle, she had worked in one of the Duke's house.

She was one of the maids of Lady Rosie Williams, and Nora could plainly tell you that was one of the worst times in her life, Rosie would often treat all of them badly, she would shout at them unnecessarily, and she had a bd temper, that was why Nora was scared of Wura initially, until she noticed that Wura was different, she was nicer, and she was sweeter.

"Ahh, I see" said Wura as she laughed.

"Yes my princess, please forgive me if I have spoken too much" said Nora as she bowed her head.

"Oh no, not at all Nora, you have not spoken too much, in fact this is the first time you have spoken to me so openly, and I truly appreciate that" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled at her.

"You see Nora, the thing is that my mother was a slave long before she met my father" said Wura as she smiled.

"And she always taught me to be kind to everyone, to teach everyone equally and not to enslave people as she once was" said Wura as she smiled.

"She taught me that titles mean nothing, because in the end, we are all the same, we are all people, created by God, and we are all equal before him, whether we like it or not" said Wura as she explained.

"She taught me not to be haughty or spoilt, because the same way I was born into a good family, was the same way I could have been born a slave, but that was not so, and in the same way, I should treat others the way I want to be treated, with dignity and love" said Wura as she looked at Nora and she smiled.

"And that is why I am always kind to everyone, I never look down on others, because my mother used to be looked down on, until she was saved" said Wura as she smiled.

"My princess… I am sorry, I did not know" said Nora, now it made sense why Wura was always so nice and fair to everyone.

"You do not need to be sorry at all Nora, things happen for a reason" said Wura as she smiled, only a few people knew that her mother used to be a slave, but it was no secret at all.

"My princess, I really admire you, you are a worthy woman to be looked upon" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh you flatter me Nora, I am just an ordinary maiden, like anyone else" said Wura as she laughed.

"My princess, shall I prepare your bath?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Of course, you may Nora" said Wura as she smiled and Nora walked away as she left Wura's room, she now had a newfound respect for Wura.