Not been close

"My princess, If I may speak?" asked Nora as she was packing some of Wura's clothes that she would take along with her on their royal duty to Cornwalk.

"Of course you may Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she helped Nora fold her clothes into a leather bag.

"My princess, the news of his highness, and your sudden departure to Cornwalk is… well it is surprising my princess" said Nora as she decided to say what was on her mind, because Wura always told her to do so.

"Oh Nora, you speak the truth" said Wura.

"Even I myself cannot believe it at this point" said Wura as she sighed, but what could she do? She wanted to please Alaric and if this was what it took then she would be alright with it, but what she was not alright with was being alone with Liam, after what happened yesterday, she had realized that she did not know him at all, he was a completely different person from the man she knew.

"My princess, it pains me that I will be unable to go along with you" said Nora as she smiled sadly.

"His Majesty requested that I stay behind, he said that the maids at the Castle in Cornwalk will handle your daily affairs" said Nora as she did not know why, but she felt very sad, come to think of it, since Wura had come to the Castle, she had always been by her side, and this was the first time that she would not be, she felt somewhat empty.

"If I had my way Nora, I would have certainly brought you with me" said Wura as she smiled, she considered Nora the sister that she never had, she was always there for her, and Wura was sure that it was not just out of duty as her personal maid, but because of something more, but she knew that Nora was too shy to admit that.

"Thank you my princess" said Nora as she smiled at Wura, she could not understand why the princess was so fond of her, if you asked her, she did not deserve it at all, she was just a lowly maid, and Wura, well she was a graceful, kind lady, who was the princess.

"To tell you the truth Nora, I do not want to be alone with his highness" said Wura as she sighed, she just had to tell someone.

"My princess, why is that?" asked Nora as she could not understand, Liam was Wura's husband after all, and as far as she knew they got along quite well.

"*Sigh*, Well Nora, you cannot understand" said Wura as she sighed, Nora knew nothing about the true nature of their relationship at all, well no one else did except for them.

"But let me tell you this Nora, I and his highness have not been close lately" said Wura as she sighed.

"Alright my princess, I understand" said Nora as she nodded her head, she actually did not understand, but she was sure it was not in her place to understand, she was only her personal maid after all, she did not have to tell her everything.

"Thank you Nora, for being so understanding" said Wura as she smiled and she held Nora's hand in hers.

"I am very lucky to have you Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"I should be the one saying that my princess" said Nora as she smiled.

"Well my princess, I have packed all your personal belongings, I am sure his Majesty and his highness should be waiting for you now" said Nora as she smiled.

"Alright then Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Please allow me to carry it for you my princess" said Nora.

"Alright Nora… thank you once again" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled at her.

"Ahh my children, I will miss you both" said Alaric as he smiled.

"I wish you safe journey to Cornwalk, and you shall return soon" said Alaric as he smiled.

"Thank you, your Majesty," said Wura as she smiled and Alaric smiled at her.

"Thank you father, make sure to take care of yourself" said Liam as he smiled.

"I will my boy, you take care with your wife" said Alaric as he smiled.

"My dear, would you be so kind to give me a goodbye Kiss?" asked Alaric as he smiled.

"Well of course your Majesty" said Wura as she smiled and she gave Alaric a kiss on the cheek which made him smile.

"Thank you my dear" said Alaric as he smiled.

"You are welcome your Majesty" said Wura as she smiled.

"Goodbye Nora, I will miss you" said Wura as she turned to look at Nora who was smiling as she stood in the corner as so not to interrupt.

"Goodbye my princess, safe journeys I wish you" said Nora as she smiled and Wura smiled at her.

"Shall we go?" asked Liam as he smiled and he looked at Wura.

"Alright" said Wura as she smiled and Liam helped her up into the carriage.

"Father, I tell you once again, do not work too much" said Liam as he turned to look at his father one last time before he departed.

"My boy, go on, you worry too much" said Alaric as he smiled and Liam shook his head as he entered the carriage, and within seconds the carriage began to move.

Alaric and Nora smiled as they watched the Carriage move further and further away until she could no longer see it again.

"It is a long ride to Cornwalk" said Liam as he turned to look at Wura who was sitting across him in the carriage, Cornwalk was about 3-4 hours from the capital, but Liam was sure it would take even longer due to the snow on the roads.

"Mhmm" replied Wura as the smile on her face disappeared like it was never there, and she did not make eye contact with Liam at all, she just looked at the window, there was no need for them to pretend while they were alone, and quite frankly, she was tired of pretending.

"Are you feeling alright?" asked Liam.

"I am feeling well your highness, and quite frankly I would prefer it if we do not speak until we get to Cornwalk" said Wura as she looked at Liam serious, she was not going to let herself be treated badly at all.

"As you wish" said Liam as he knew that Wura had a valid reason for her coldness towards him.

"I only have one question your highness" said Wura as she looked at Liam.

"You may ask whatever it is you have on your mind" said Liam.

"What did you do with my cake?" asked Wura as she had spent time on that cake, and she was not going to bake anything or prepare anything for him again, seeing as he did not value her gesture at all.

"I gave it to the maids to share amongst themselves" said Liam as he had lost his appetite after he had seen the cake, it left him in an even bad mood than he was before.

"I see" said Wura as she turned back to look at the window and they remained in silence once again.

Liam was sure that he had upset her this time, and she was not going to forgive him easily.

"*Sigh*, I miss the princess" said Nora as she sighed.

"Are you serious Nora? She has not even left for a day, and you already miss her?" asked Dawn as she laughed.

"Well I… I…" said Nora as she did not know what to say.

"It would seem that you are fond of her" said Dawn as she laughed.

"Of course I am, she is the princess" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Hmm I see" said Dawn as she laughed.

"Well now that you basically have no duties, would you be willing to help me around the Castle?" asked Dawn.

"I just have so much to do and arrange and take care of" said Dawn as she sighed.

"Well of course, I will help you, I like to work" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh thank you Nora, you are really doing me a favour" said Dawn as she sighed in relief.

"I just do not know how Lady Marli does all these, it is no wonder why she is always grumpy" said Dawn as she laughed.

"But you have been doing well Dawn, I am sure that Lady Marli would be very proud of you" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh thank you Nora" said Dawn as she smiled.

"Here is a list of ingredients the Kitchen needs from the market" said Dawn as she handed Nora a list.

"Can you please go to the market now?" asked Dawn.

"These ingredients are required for this evening's dinner" said Dawn while smiline.

"Alright, I will go at once, just let me get my coat" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh thank you Nora" said Dawn as she smiled.

"You are welcome Dawn" said Nora she smiled and she walked away very happily.