Held responsible

"Ouch" said Liam as he had accidentally grazed his left thumb as he was not careful enough.

"Your highness are you alright??" asked Wura as she quickly rushed to Liam and she held his hand in his as she checked his fingers one by one.

"I am alright, It is only a bruise" said Liam as he chuckled, Wura caring for him made him feel happy, he had never seen her act this way before.

"Are you sure?" asked Wura as she looked at this thumb, luckily it was not bleeding, which made her relieved.

"Yes I am sure" said Liam as he laughed, he had never had someone worry for him like this, of course his father did, and so did Mero and the others, but Wura's concern for him was just different.

"Your highness, please do not scare me like that" said Wura as she sighed in relief and she let go of his hand.

"You are worried about me?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Of course I am" said Wura as she looked at him and he smiled at her.

"I am worried about you because I do not want to be the one held responsible if something bad happens to you" said Wura as she quickly thought of something to say, he looked a little too happy.

"I see" said Liam as he smiled.

"I thought your worry was because of something else" said Liam as he smiled.

"No your highness, that is not so, I am sure I would be the one held responsible since you were helping me" said Wura as she did not like that smile of his one bit, just what was he thinking?? She blamed herself for reacting like that to him almost cutting himself, she had left what she was doing to tend to him, just what was she thinking??

"I see, you really have made that clear" said Liam as he laughed.

"yes your highness, and hence why I suggest you leave now, I can handle this myself, dinner is almost ready so go" said Wura as she could not handle any more scares like that, her heart dropped when she heard him wince in pain, she was just so worried, and she did not want to feel like that again.

"Are you chasing me away?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Not exactly your highness, consider this as you taking a break" said Wura as she smiled at him.

"But I did nothing at all" said Liam as he laughed.

"No your highness, you did say you had some things to tend to" said Wura as she was running out of things to say to try to get him to leave.

"Well yes" said Liam as he smiled.

"Your highness, please just leave, dinner will be ready soon" said Wura as she sighed.

"Well alright then, I will do as you say" said Liam as he laughed and he walked away as Wura sighed in relief, she thought that she would never get a chance to get him to leave.

"Finally" said Wura to herself.

"Dinner is served" said Wura as she smiled as she walked into the dining room with a tray in her hand.

"That was rather quick" said Liam as he laughed, he had just left the kitchen for her not to long ago.

"Mhmm" said Wura as she smiled, she was able to work quicker once he left her.

"I take that as a compliment" said Wura and she smiled and she sat down across Liam at the dining table as he had his bowl of lamb stew in front of him.

"This looks delicious" said Liam as he smiled.

"Thank you your highness" said Wura as she smiled, it felt good for your food to be complimented, it made her feel very happy.

"You seem to enjoy cooking" said Liam as he looked up at Wura and he smiled at her.

"Yes I do" said Wura as she smiled.

"It just feels good for me to do something on my own for a change" said Wura.

"Back at the Castle, Nora will not even allow me do anything on my own" said Wura as she laughed.

"She always insists that she can do it for me, and even when I offer to clean my own room, she refuses at first, but then she agrees only if she is allowed to assist me" said Wura as she laughed, she missed Nora, even though she was not allowed to do anything while she was with her.

"Would it please you to do things by yourself?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Well of course, yes it would" said Wura as she smiled.

"But anyway, enough talking, let us eat" said Wura as she smiled.

"As you wish" said Liam as he smiled and Wura smiled at him as she looked at him and she looked at him waiting for him to eat first.

Liam took a sip of the stew as Wura held her breath, she did not know why she was so nervous, it was only stew, and well he was only… Liam.

"This is delicious" said Liam as he smiled and he looked at Wura.

"I am glad that you think so" said Wura as she smiled at him in relief, why was she so concerned about his approval??

"Are you not going to eat?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"Ahhh yes yes" said Wura as she took her spoon and she drank her soup as Liam smiled at her and they ate their dinner together in silence.

"Your highness, how is your thumb doing?" asked Wura as she remembered and she looked at Liam.

"It is fine, it does not even hurt" said Liam as he laughed.

"I am happy about that" said Wura as she smiled and she took a sip of her wine, today was a very odd day, but in a good way, she was no longer bored or lonely anymore, because Liam was here with her.

"Hmm" said Liam as he smiled and he took a sip from his wine.

They were the only ones in the Castle at the moment, and Liam felt somewhat calm.

"So how did you enjoy today?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"It was nice your highness, going out today was nice" said Wura as she smiled.

"I am glad" said Liam as he smiled at her, he liked it when she smiled at him.

"*Ahem*" said Liam as he cleared his throat.

"This was my mother's favourite Castle" said Liam as he smiled sadly.

"Oh…" said Wura as she thought that was rather sudden.

"I see" said Wura as she did not know what else to say.

"But I cannot blame her, this Castle is just so peaceful and beautiful" said Wura as she smiled.

"She thought so too" said Liam as he smiled at her.

"In fact, she was the one who planted all the trees and flowers around the Castle" said Liam as he smiled.

"That is such a surprise" said Wura as she was surprised.

"Yes, she planted them when my father and her got married" said Liam as he smiled.

"So that means that the trees and flowers are older than you your highness?" asked Wura as she laughed.

"Well yes, you are right about that, they are older than me" said Liam as he laughed.

"And this pendant" said Wura as she held the heart in her fingers.

"It was hers was it not?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Ahh yes… yes it was" said Liam as he smiled sadly.

"My father always kept that pendant close to him at all times" said Liam.

"He loves it almost as much as he loved my mother, it was the only thing of hers that he could keep close" said Liam.

"And that was why I was surprised that he had given it to you" said Liam as he looked at Liam.

"He must really like you, because I never thought he would dare give something that was hers to someone else" said Liam as he smiled at Wura.

"I am honoured that he likes me, I like him as well" said Wura as she smiled, now she knew just how much sentimental value this pendant meant to Liam and Alaric.

"I am glad that he gave it to you as well" said Liam as he smiled.

"It suits you" said Liam with a smile.

"Thank you your highness" said Wura as he smiled and Liam smiled at her.

"*Ahem*" said Wura as she cleared her throat.

"I have prepared something sweet for desert" said Wura as she smiled in order to lighten the mood that talking about Queen Vivian had brought.

"Oh is that so?" asked Liam as he smiled, he was surprised, he was not aware that Wura had made anything for desert, he did not think that she had the time to.

"Yes, let me bring it" said Wura as she smiled and she stood up immediately as she walked to the kitchen.