
"Good Morrow my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she walked into Wura's room as she saw that Wura was already wide awake as she smiled.

"Good Morrow Nora" said Wura as she smiled brightly, she just felt so much more better after she had told Nora just what was in her mind and heart, she felt so relieved and so at peace that this morning she had woken up very early, she just felt so much more happier.

"My Queen, how was your night?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"It was very good Nora, thank you for asking, and how was your night?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Umm good my Queen" replied Nora as she smiled, the truth was that she had not slept at all, her mind was filled with everything Wura had told her, but she was sworn to secrecy by her Queen, so she could not say anything at all.

"I am glad Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"Nora, I would like to have breakfast in the dining room with my parents this morning" said Wura as she smiled, at least she would not eat alone this morning.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head, she felt happy that Wura was finally happy, from what she had told her, it was clear that Wura had went through a lot, and yet she still managed to smile and act like everything was alright.

"Shall I prepare your bath my Queen?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Yes please Nora" said Wura as she smiled

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head and she bowed as she walked away, leaving Wura smiling.

"Good Morrow Mother, Good Morrow Father" said Wura as she smiled and she walked into the dining room as her parents were already there having breakfast.

"Good Morrow Wura" said Ireti.

"Good Morrow my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled and Wura sat down on her usual spot on the dining table.

"How was your night my dear?" asked Lawrence as he smiled

"It was good Father, and how was yours?" asked Wura as she smiled and she drank some tea

"It was good as well, although we returned a bit too late" replied Lawrence as he smiled and Wura smiled.

"You seem quite happy today" said Ireti as she looked at her daughter.

"Why yes mother, it has been a long while since we have had breakfast together" said Wura as she smiled, she was very happy, this reminded her of old times, when she would eat breakfast with her family, those were one of her best memories.

"Well you are right about that" said Ireti as Lawrence smiled.

"I really like that you both here" said Wura as she smiled and she drank her tea.

"Where is his Majesty?" asked Ireti as the smile on Wura's face faltered as she placed her teacup on the saucer.

"I do not know Mother" said Wura as she replied.

"Did you not see him last night?" asked Ireti.

"Well no mother, I was not able to, it was already late" said Wura as she smiled.

"And well I have not been able to see him this morning either, he might be busy" replied Wura as she ate her food.

"I see" said Ireti as she could tell that Wura was hiding something, but she was not one to push people to say what was troubling them.

"My dear… your mother and I will be returning to the plains after breakfast" said Lawrence.

"Oh…" said Wura as she could not hide the sad look on her face

"But I thought that you would at least spend a few days here in the Castle with me" said Wura.

"I am sorry my dear but his Majesty has asked me to take up an important matter in the plains" said Lawrence as Wura looked sad.

"But… I wanted you to stay with me" said Wura sadly.

"I know my dear, and believe me, we would have loved to stay for a few more days, but we need to return to the plains now, the matter is a matter that concerns the longevity of the Dukedom, so believe me my dear when I say it is important that we leave" said Lawrence as he explained.

"Alright Father… I understand" said Wura as she forced a smile and Lawrence smiled, she would be alone yet again in this Castle, it made her feel sad, she didn't want to be alone.

"Thank you my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled and Wura smiled sadly, and she ate her breakfast in sadness.

"Goodbye my dear" said Lawrence as he hugged Wura and he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodbye Father" said Wura as she smiled and Lawrence smiled.

"Goodbye my dear, and be good" said Ireti as she smiled and she gave Wura a kiss on her cheek.

"I am always good mother" said Wura as she smiled.

"Hmm" said Ireti.

"Mother I am not a little girl" said Wura as she laughed, her mother always never believed her, for some odd reason.

"You can never be older than your parents now can you?" asked Ireti.

"Of course not mother" said Wura as she smiled.

"Good answer my dear" said Ireti as she smiled and she turned around as Lawrence helped her into the Carriage.

"I will miss you both" said Wura as she smiled.

"We will miss you too my dear" said Lawrence as he smiled.

"Please come back soon" said Wura as she smiled.

"We will my dear… we will" said Lawrence as he smiled and he entered the carriage as Wura waved and the Carriage began to move as Wura sighed, she was sad, but at least she had seen her parents, even if it was only for a day.

"My Queen, what coloured couch would you like in your room?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura.

"Ah…" said Wura as she thought.

"Well, I have no idea Nora" said Wura as she looked at Nora.

"What do you suggest?" asked Wura.

"Ah… well my Queen… If you ask me, I believe that a cream coloured couch would do well with the colours in your room" said Nora.

"Good Idea Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"A cream coloured couch it is" said Wura as she smiled.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"My Queen, the carpenter says that your dining table will be ready soon" said Nora as she smiled.

"Well that was very fast Nora" said Wura as she laughed.

"I will get the door my Queen" said Nora as there was a knock on the door and she walked to open it.

"Good noon my lady" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed as Lady Marli walked into the room.

"Good Noon Nora" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"My Queen, good noon" said Lady Marli as she smiled and she walked to where Wura was sitting on her bed.

"Good Noon Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled and she stood up.

"Please do not stand for me my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"I was raised to respect my elder Lady Marli, regardless of my status, so please let me stand Lady Marli" said Wura as she smiled.

"As you wish my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"So what brings you here this noon Lady Marli?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen, I just want to thank and appreciate you… I do not know what the people would have done if you had not been and spoken your words of strength and peace" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"I have to admit that I was scared to do such, but I remembered that someone once told me that honesty is the key to everything" said Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen, I really thank you" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"There is no need to thank my Lady Marli… it is my duty as Queen" said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh my Queen, before I forget, there is something else very important that I want to discuss with you" said Lady Marli.

"Oh, and that is?" asked Wura.

"My Queen, it concerns the matter of your duties as Queen" said Lady Marli.

"Oh" said Wura as she was confused.

"Yes my Queen" said Lady Marli.

"My Queen, I believe that now would be the time for you to take over the duties of the Queen's office" said Lady Marli.

"The Queen's office?" asked Wura in surprise, she had never heard of such an office.

"Yes my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"The Queen's office is a post that has been left vacant since her late Majesty Queen Vivian Passed, and his Grace King Alaric refused to remarry, and hence why the kingdom has been left without the office of the Queen" said Lady Marli as she explained.

"But now that you are Queen my Queen, you will be able to take over the post, and the Castle will be restored back to its former glory" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Wait Lady Marli…" said Wura as she was confused, Lady Marli was taking this too fast.

"Yes my Queen?" asked Lady Marli.

"Lady Marli… what exactly are the duties of the Queen's office?" asked Wura.

"Well it is similar to the duties of the King's office, as the Queen, you will arrange balls and gatherings, send food to the needy, create schooling for the children, and so much more my Queen" said Lady Marli as she explained and Wura felt like this was too much for her.

"Lady Marli… I… I cannot accept the post" said Wura as she declined, from what she was hearing, it was just too much responsibility.

"Well my Queen that is alright, you do not need to make a decision now, because in the end it all matters on if you are ready" said Lady Marli as she smiled and Wura was not ready at all.

"Lady Marli, I am sorry to say, but I will not be accepting the post" said Wura as she shook her head.

"My Queen, please give it a second thought, the Kingdom needs a Queen" said Lady Marli as Wura sighed.

"Alright Lady Marli… I will give it a second thought" said Wura as she sighed.

"Thank you my Queen, I will be waiting for your answer my Queen" said Lady Marli as she smiled and Wura forced a smile even though she already knew her answer, and it would remain no… she was not ready for this sort of responsibility at all.