So childish

"My lady, you called for me?" asked Nora as she bowed and she stood behind Lady Marli as she was instructing some maids very seriously.

"Yes I did Nora" said Lady Marli as she turned to face Nora.

"Where is the Queen? There is something that I need to discuss with her" said Lady Marli.

"Ahh my Lady, her Majesty and his Majesty went out horse riding early this morning, they are yet to return" said Nora as she explained.

"Oh is that so?" asked Lady Marli in surprise.

"Yes my lady" said Nora as she bowed and she nodded her head.

"Well then, that sounds wonderful, I will wait till the Queen returns" said Lady Marli as she smiled, she was happy that the young couple were spending some more time together alone, sure Liam was King and Wura was his Queen, they had many responsibilities, but that did not mean that they were not entitled to nurture and grow their relationship just like everyone else.

"I shall inform her that you wanted to see her, when she returns my lady" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Well that is alright then, you may go now" said Lady Marli as she smiled.

"Thank you my lady" said Nora as she bowed her head and she walked away into the halls.

She wondered how Wura was enjoying her horse riding lessons with Liam, she just hoped that Wura did not get hurt at all, and that she and his Majesty were doing well.

In all honesty, just like everyone else, Nora was happy that Liam and Wura were spending more time together, even though Wura had confided in her, and told her that she did not love Liam, Nora was sure that in the end, they both felt something for each other, and well they were already married.

All Nor could hope for was that the both of them would make the right decisions, and not end up hurting one another in the process.

Liam smiled as he saw Wura gradually bring Nolan to a stop right in front of him, she was a quick learner, and it surprised him that she did not seem to have any ounce of fear from what had happened earlier.

"You are getting better at stopping" said Liam as he smiled.

"Yes, I am" said Wura as she looked proud of herself, she was so happy, well now she knew how to ride a horse, although not as good as she would have wanted to, but it was still something.

"I can get down myself" said Wura as she saw Liam walking over to help her down, it would seem that he enjoyed doing so, and she wanted to put a stop to that, she was not weak, not at all, and besides, after the name play he had put on earlier, she was still upset with him.

"As you wish" said Liam as he smiled and he stayed back as Wura removed her legs from the stirrups, and she carefully brought herself down as her feet touched the ground.

"I believe that is enough horse riding for today" said Liam as he smiled and Wura turned to look at him.

"I have a meeting to attend to" said Liam as he smiled, he knew that if it was possible, Wura would stay here all day, especially with his Nolan being such a good boy that he always was.

"Aww…" said Wura as she could not lie that she was not sad, she wanted to stay here and practice for a while longer, but well, she was afraid that without Liam present, she would end up hurting herself, and she did not want that, so if he was busy, then she would go back to her room as well.

"Well that is alright your Majesty, I understand" said Wura as she smiled and Liam just took Nolan's reins as he started to walk away.

Wura wondered what was wrong with him this time, he did not reply to her, he was being so rude, and then she remembered that she just called him your Majesty, and that made her scoff.

"You are seriously not serious about not responding to me when I call you your Majesty are you now?" asked Wura as Liam stopped walking and he turned back to face her.

"I am as serious as the day" said Liam as he smiled, now that she had broken a wall between them, he was not going to let her built it back up again, she was going to call him by his name, whether she liked it or not.

"You are childish your Majesty, so childish" said Wura as she scoffed at him.

"You can call me whatever you want, but I will not respond to you" said Liam as he smiled and he turned as he got ready to walk away.

"Your Majesty" called Wura once again, she was not going to let him win, no not at all, she was going to call him your Majesty whether he liked it or not, he was just going to have to learn to deal with it.

"That is not my name" replied Liam.

"But people call you that, so why can I not?" asked Wura in annoyance.

"That is only a form of reverence, it is not my name" said Liam as he turned back to her and he smiled.

"So you will not respond to me if I call you Your Majesty?" asked Wura.

"I will not, you can only call me Liam, and that is final" said Liam as he smiled, he did not know why she wanted to reject calling him by him so much? She called Mero by his name with ease, but it when it came to him, she was adamant of not changing, it baffled him, did she really dislike him that much??

"You know what Liam, you are so annoying" said Wura as she was just upset right now, he was annoying, an annoying itch that would not go away.

"And you are very difficult Wura" said Liam as he smiled happily, he had gotten what he wanted.

"if there is someone truly difficult, that would be you, why do you always have to get your way?" asked Wura as she could not understand.

"If there is someone that always gets her way, it would be you Wura, I have never asked you to do anything that you did not want to do" said Liam as he smiled.

"If there is anything that I have forced you to do, that would be for you to call me by my name, and I do not regret doing so, if you hate me, then so be it" said Liam as he smiled.

"You are impossible" said Wura as she scoffed and Liam just smiled at her.

"I dislike you" said Wura.

"As long as you do not hate me, I am fine with that" said Liam as he smiled and Wura scoffed.

"I will see you at dinner Wura" said Liam as he smiled at her.

"Hopefully not" said Wura with a sneer as Liam just smiled at her and he walked away with Nolan following behind him, leaving Wura standing there in annoyance.

Wura walked back to her room happily, when she saw Nora arranging her closet.

"My Queen, you have returned" said Nora as she smiled happily at Wura as she looked very relieved that she was back here safe and sound.

"Yes I have Nora" said Wura as she smiled and she sighed as she sat on her bed, her behind was aching from sitting on the saddle all day, it was not very comfortable at all.

"My Queen, how was your lesson with his Majesty?" asked Nora as she smiled and she walked to where Wura was sitting on her bed.

"It was very good Nora… although…" said Wura as she paused.

"Although what my Queen?" asked Nora in curiosity.

"Although, my horse was spooked by a dead mouse, and he took off running as fast as he could with me on him" said Wura.

"Oh my, My Queen, are you alright, are you hurt anywhere?" asked Nora in concern as she inspected Wura with her eyes.

"I am alright Nora, his Majesty was able to catch up to me and stop my horse before I could fall off" said Wura.

"Oh thank the Lord that his Majesty was around to do so" said Nora as she sighed in relief.

"That was what I thought too Nora… until he overstepped his boundary and insisted that I call him by his name, so much so that he decided to walk away and leave me on top of his horse, and he was not going to come back until I called his name" said Wura as she sounded very, very annoyed, which she was.

"What did you do my Queen?" asked Nora out of curiosity.

"I had no other choice than to call him by his name, which pleased him so that it irked me, he really thought that he was smart, but no, not at all, now he refuses to respond to me if I do not call him Liam" said Wura as she scoffed.

Nora tried to stop herself from laughing, but it was too hard, she ended ups stifling a laugh, this was just too funny, here were two adults, arguing about name calling.

"What is so funny Nora?" asked Wura.

"Nothing my Queen" said Nora as she tried to wipe off the smile on her face.

"No, no Nora, there Is something that makes you laugh, tell me" said Wura as she looked at Nora, and she looked very demanding.

"Ahh well my Queen, believe me, there is nothing at all" said Nora as she shook her head.

"Do not lie to me Nora, I know you mean something" said Wura.

"Well my Queen, it is just that… I find it funny that his Majesty would require such a thing from you… it is… it is rather childish my Queen" said Nora.

"I think so too Nora, but tell that to his Majesty, he is a child, that is his definition a child" said Wura.

"He said that he does not even care if I hate him, as long as I call him his name" said Wura as she scoffed.

"Can you imagine that Nora?? Just imagine, what sort of childish man I am obliged to be with under law" said Wura in annoyance.

"My Queen, maybe his Majesty was just joking" said Nora.

"No Nora, he was not joking not at all, in fact, he said that he was as serious as the day" said Wura as she wished that she could avoid him forever, whenever he was near her, he just made her act so childish, because he was childish, she was a responsible woman, and not a childish one.

"I see my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head and she smiled, she could tell that Wura was annoyed, but she could see that the King was trying him best to quicken things between them, the only think that she did not know was if Wura saw it that way at all.

"He just wants everything to be done his way, at all times" said Wura.

"When he is in a bad mood, no one must come near him, and when he is in a good mood, everyone must be in a good mood as well, it is just so irritating" said Wura as she groaned.

"One minute he is saying sweet nice things, and the next, he is acting like a child who is as spoilt as cheese" said Wura.

"Spoilt as cheese?" asked Nora in confusion.

"Yes, my Aunt uses that saying a lot, it means someone who is so pampered, and feels so entitled, since they get everything they want" said Wura as she paused her ranting to explain.

"Ahh I see now my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head, now she understood, that was a peculiar saying, she had never heard that sort of saying before.

"But yes, that is how his Majesty behaves, like a spoilt child, who wants everything he wants" said Wura.

"But my Queen, does that not now mean that his Majesty wants you?" asked Nora as Wura felt her heart skip a beat.

Liam… want her?? That could not be possible, after all, they did not have that sort of relationship.

"I doubt that Nora, what he really wants, is just to annoy me, so I do not have any peace of mind" said Wura as she was sure of it, she was very sure, and apart from that, she was sure that he just wanted to tease her, he wanted to play with her, just to see how she would react.

Well for his information, she would not fall for any sort of charms he would put on, not at all, she would not give him the sweet satisfaction of seeing her develop feelings for him, now it made sense, he just wanted to play with her.

"Alright my Queen, as you say" said Nora as she did not want to get into this matter too much, as the saying went, it was better to stay out of a quarrel with two lovers.

"Yes Nora, yes" said Wura as she nodded her head, she felt better now that she had spoken to Nora.

"Ahh my Queen, before I forget, Lady Marli wanted to speak to you, she called for me, but I told her that you were with his Majesty" said Nora as she remembered.

"Oh well then, let me go and meet her" said Wura as she stood up but she paused.

"Nora, can you help me get changed first?" asked Wura as she looked at Nora, she could not possibly go walking around in the Castle looking like this.

"Of course my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled at Nora.