Trust me Wura

"Liam!!" screeched Wura once again as she held on to Liam for dear life.

"What is wrong Wura? What is it?" asked Liam in worry as he had never seen Wura behave like this before, she was just fine a moment ago, and now she was holding on to him so tightly and she looked very scared, Liam could not see anything wrong anywhere, so he was worried.

"There is a spider, there is a spider!!" said Wura as she looked at him.

"A spider?" asked Liam in confusion as he looked at Wura.

"Yes, yes, a spider" said Wura as she held on even more tightly to Liam, as if she was trying to enter into him.

"Where?" asked Liam as he could not see a spider anywhere.

"There, there!!" said Wura as she pointed ahead and right there, in the corner of Liam's eye, he saw a not so tiny brown hairy spider hanging down on a thread of his web, completely oblivious to the humans around him.

Liam looked at the spider and then at Wura… she was afraid of spiders? He could not help but want to laugh, but he could not, she looked to scared right now, and she was holding on to him so tightly.

"Yes, it is a spider" said Liam.

"Get it out Liam, kill it, do something, just get it away, far away" said Wura with pleading eyes as she looked at Liam.

Liam had never seen her act this way before, she was even holding on to him out of her own will, which was something she would never do on a normal day, or in a normal circumstance.

"Alright, calm down, I will get it away alright" said Liam as he looked at Wura and she nodded her head as she was still holding on to him.

Liam found her reaction cute, she did not want to let go of him, if only it could be like that at all times, but he knew that he was asking for something that was not possible at all.

"You have to let go of me first if you want me to get rid of that spider" said Liam as he smiled.

"Okay" said Wura as she let go of him, she just wanted that spider out now.

"Get rid of it" said Wura as she turned around and she closed her eyes, she did not want to see that spider at all.

Liam felt like laughing, her reaction was cute, Liam got a candle holder on his desk as he raised it to break the spider's threat and the spider fell on top of the candle as Liam walked to the window and he opened it and he let the spider go away, it looked young.

Liam then closed the window and he placed the candle holder back on his desk as he walked back to where Wura was standing, and she had her back turned to him as she was still closing her eyes.

"Did… did you get rid of it?" she asked hoping that his answer was yes.

"Yes I did, you can open your eyes now Wura" said Liam as he smiled, his mind kept on going to the way he held onto him for dear life, would it be bad for him to wish that moment repeated itself, she usually always distanced herself from him, but this time, she cleaved unto him.

"Are you sure that you got rid of the spider?" asked Wura as she did not move from her spot at all.

"I did Wura, do you not trust me?" asked Liam as he smiled.

"No, No I do not trust you, what if you are only playing with me and lying, and when I turn around and open my eyes, you will just put the spider in my hair, or even worse" said Wura as she kept her eyes closed shut.

Liam did not know whether to laugh or to cry, did she really not trust him at all? It made him feel bad, but at the same time, she was just so cute, he was not that bad as to present her with something that made her scared, he never wanted her to be scared when she was with him, not at all.

"Trust me Wura, I do not have the spider with me, you can turn around now" said Liam as Wura stood still in her place and Liam sighed as he walked towards her, and he turned her around to face him.

He smiled helplessly when he saw that her eyes were closed and her face was all scrunched up, he had to say that when she was scared, she had a very beautiful look on her face.

"Wura" called Liam in a very gentle voice as Wura kept her eyes close, she could feel him, he was so close to her, and her heart was racing.

"Wura, please open your eyes" said Liam as gentle as he could, and as if in a trance, Wura opened her eyes and she looked up at him.

"There that is better" said Liam as he smiled at her.

"What did you do with the spider?" asked Wura as she looked at him.

"I got rid of it like you asked, and I put it out the window" said Liam as he smiled.

"Okay" said Wura in relief, at least the spider was gone now.

"I did not know that you were scared of spiders" said Liam as he smiled and his right hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved to Wura's face and it moved away the stray strands of her curly hair that was covering her face.

"I am not scared of them, I am terrified of them" replied Wura as she did not even seem to mind that Liam was touching her face right now.

"Hmm, why is that?" asked Liam as he held the right side of Wura's face with his hand and she looked up into his eyes.

"Ahh… well they… they…" said Wura as she did not know why she was stammering, and her heart was beating even faster, she and Liam were too close, way too close, she wanted to pull away from him, but she just could not, his hand felt warm on her skin it was… it was a weird feeling that Wura had never felt before.

"They what?" asked Liam as he smiled and he kept eye contact with Wura as he scanned her face, from her big brown eyes that could be as fierce as they were cute, to her cute button nose, and her rosy cheeks, and her lips.

"They… they…" said Wura as she was finding it hard to get her thoughts together, especially when he was looking at her like this… she was uncomfortable with his gaze, in a good way.

"They have eight legs, many eyes… they are hairy, I just do not like them, they make my skin crawl whenever I see them" said Wura as she became stiff when Liam used his thumb to trace the outline of her lips.

"Hmm" said Liam as he smiled and Wura kept still, his thumb grazing the outline of her lips… it felt ticklish… Wura did not know why she could not move, or tell him to stop.

"Well you do not need to be scared… because I will always be here for you, by your side" said Liam as he smiled.

"Hmm…" said Wura as she did not know why, but she felt like Liam was about to kiss her any moment from now it… made her heart beat faster, just the mere thought.

Wura could promise you that she saw Liam lean in closer, but he stopped, and he let go of her face as he moved away.

Wura did not know why she felt disappointed that he let go of her, and he moved away from her, she looked away from him, how could she bring herself to look at him when she had finally come back to her senses, she did not want him to kiss her no, not at all.

Liam sighed internally, he was about to kiss her, he did want to kiss her, but he pulled away when he remembered that he had told her that he would only kiss if she asked him to, and well, he was a man of his word, he realized that he had went to far, and with the way Wura refused to look at him, he had gone too far this time.

Wura got a hold of herself, she could not believe that she let herself be carried away in the moment, she was just so unstable that she hated herself.

"*Ahem*" said Wura as she cleared her throat.

"I remember that I have something important that I did not take care of… I will take my leave now" said Wura as she walked to his desk and she took the record as she did not look at him at all and she walked out of the room, even forgetting that she had asked for his assistance with something.

Liam sighed, he knew that she would behave like this, little did he knew that Wura was behaving like this out of disappointment in him and herself.

"I guess that I am back to the beginning again" said Liam as he sighed, he did say that he would wait for her, and yes he would.

"*Ugh*, just what is wrong with you Wura??" asked Wura as she walked into her empty bedroom, she placed the records on her dining table as she just fell flat on her bed.

Something was wrong with her, something was seriously wrong with her, she should have stopped Liam, she should have, but her heart was beating so fast, so quickly that she felt that it would stop soon.

Wura sat up straight as she traced her lips with her fingers, the same way Liam did.

"He was so… gentle…" said Wura as she stopped, she needed to stop thinking, but she could not… the way Liam looked at her… she felt like she wanted to melt, it was filled with so much… want… happiness… she did not know what to feel.

"But you do not know if those feelings are genuine Wura" said Wura to herself.

"But… but what if they are?" asked Wura as she was confused, oh she missed Nora so much, so very much, she could use her advice right now, because her mind was in shambles, she had never felt the way she felt with Liam before… the feeling was suffocating, so much so that she lost all common sense in that singular moment.

She fell in weakness, Wura wondered why he did not just kiss her, it looked like he was going to.

"Oh Wura, just what are you saying? You asked him never to dare kiss you" said Wura as she sighed, and she knew that Liam was a man of his word, he would never force himself on anyone, and especially her.

"*Ugh*, you cannot face him again Wura, you cannot" said Wura as she groaned and she laid on her bed as she closed her eyes and she took a deep breath, these feelings were just too much, too much for her to bear.

"Just breathe Wura, breathe" said Wura to herself.

"Breathe" said Wura once again as she took a deep breath.

Two days later.

For the past two days, Wura had been able to avoid Liam, but when they saw each other during breakfast and dinner, he just smiled at her and behaved as if nothing happened between them, Wura did not know whether to feel happy, or to feel sad that, that moment meant nothing to him, but it meant so much to her.

Wura had asked if Lady Marli had finally cleaned out one of the studies, but when she did, Lady Marli replied that yes, but there was a spider problem going on in those studies, as the mere mention of spiders, Wura decided to stay put in Liam's study, at least she knew that place was safe, safer than the rest.

And well Liam did not act like anything happened between them, and that was good… it was better for them.

Wura sighed as she was alone in her room as she was brushing her hair, and she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" said Wura as she sighed and she did not even look at who the person who entered her room was, until she heard her voice.

"Good Noon my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed her head as Wura's eyes went wide when she heard the voice she had been missing for so long now, that she immediately turned around, and when she saw Nora with her head bowed down, she felt like crying tears of joy.

"Nora!!" said Wura as she stood up quickly and she rushed to Nora.

"Yes my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she nodded her head.

"Oh Nora, I missed you" said Wura as she hugged Nora, she had missed her so much.

"I missed you as well my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she hugged Wura as well, she truly had missed her.

"Oh Nora, how are you? How is your father? Is he doing alright now?" asked Wura as she broke their hug.

"I am good my Queen, and my Father is doing well, he has recovered, thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh I missed you so much Nora, I am glad that you have returned" said Wura as she smiled.

"I am glad that I have returned as well my Queen, and thank you once more for letting me go home to take care of my father, I will forever be grateful" said Nora as she knelt down and she bowed her head.

"Oh no need for that Nora, you are welcome" said Wura as she helped Nora up.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled.

"My Queen, you were doing your hair? Shall I help you finish it?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Ahh yes, but you have just returned, are you not tired, you can go to your room to rest for the day" said Wura as she smiled.

"No my Queen, I am not tired at all, please let me serve you" said Nora as she smiled and she bowed her head.

"Alright then Nora" said Wura as she smiled, she was so happy that Nora was back.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled, it felt good to be back here with Wura.

Later that evening.

After dinner with Liam and Nigel, Wura was back to her room again, and Nora was helping her get ready for bed.

"Oh Nora, there is so much I have to tell you, but that will be later, you need to go and rest now" said Wura as she smiled she was already in her white nightgown.

"Alright my Queen, please have a goodnight" said Nora as she smiled.

"Thank you Nora, I will, and have a goodnight as well" said Wura as she smiled and Nora bowed her head as she walked out of the room leaving Wura there with a smile.

Wura walked to her closet to check something when she heard a knock on the door, at first, she thought that maybe it was Nora, and she forgot something, but then she remembered that Nora did not need to knock at all, and she could just come into her room.

Wura was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the knock on the door come again, but louder.

Wura closed her closet door as she walked to the door and she opened it, and she was caught off guard when she saw who was at her door.

"Liam??" asked Wura in shock as she saw Liam standing there, had she not seen him at dinner? Then why was he here now?

"Liam what are you doing he…" said Wura as suddenly her words were cut off when Liam unexpectedly covered her lips with his as Wura stood there in shock.