What happened?

Wura sighed a deep sigh of relief once the carriage finally came to a stop and she opened her eyes, she was able to control herself and stop herself from throwing up from the fast motion of the carriage.

"My Queen, do you feel alright?" asked Nora as she looked at Wura worriedly and Wura just nodded as she tried to keep herself calm, she did not want to make a scene, she was not here for that today.

"Alright my Queen, if you do not feel well at all, please tell me" said Nora as Wura just nodded her head.

"I still do not think that this is a good idea, Mero will be more than angry when he sees us here, and not to even talk about the fact that we brought the Queen here as well" said Zuph as he got down from his horse, now that he thought about it, this was a bold move from all of them to decide to come over here and see Mero, even though he had dismissed them.

"Well we are here, no turning back" said Elihu as he got down from his horse.

"Besides I doubt that he would be able to do much once he sees the Queen here" said Elihu as he was not going to let Mero intimidate him, this was a very serious matter.

"I hope so" said Zechariah as he got down from his horse and he walked to open the carriage door.

"My Queen, we have arrived" he said as he helped Wura down from the Carriage, and Wura instantly felt better as she put her two feet on the ground, and she felt the warm rays of the sun over her as she took a deep breath.

"Are you alright my Queen?" asked Zechariah as he did not know if he was seeing well, but Wura looked pale.

"I am alright" replied Wura as Nora stood behind her.

"My Queen, we will go and speak to Mero first, to inform him that you are here, please wait here my Queen" said Zechariah as he explained.

"Alright then" said Wura as she nodded her head and Zechariah bowed at her as he turned to look at the others.

"Let us go" said Zechariah as he looked at the others and Elihu, Luc and Zuph nodded their heads as they followed after him as they entered into what looked like a tent that was set up.

Wura looked around, she was surprised to say the least, the main reason that she had refused to look out the window of the carriage was because she was scared to see all the destruction and damage done to the Kingdom after what happened.

But to her surprise, there was nothing of that sort at all, no destruction not at all, Wura looked down at the ground, the ground that was once filled with cracks, as if the earth wanted to tear itself apart, but it did not look like that at all, the ground was flat, as flat as ever, and it looked very normal, as the grass began to grow on top of it.

Wura looked up at the sky, the sky that was dark and gloomy, that looked like it was about to come crashing down, looked nothing like that at all, the sky was a bright cloudless blue, and the sun was shining very brightly.

It was at this moment that Wura was very confused, just what was going on? What happened?

Mero sighed as he crossed off another point on the map, as there were several other points, he crossed off the map.

He had been looking for Liam for days now, and he had found nothing, not even a trace of his body, it was concerning, Mero was just so frustrated, he had to find Liam, he knew that he had to.

In the midst of Mero's frustrated thoughts, Mero heard the sound of footsteps walking in, and he turned to see who the footsteps belonged to as he sighed and shook his head when he saw who they were.

"What are you all doing here?" asked Mero as he looked at Elihu, Zuph, Luc and Zechariah.

"Did I not tell you to return to the Castle and stay there?" asked Mero.

"That was unfair of you Mero, if you are out here looking for Liam, we should be doing the same thing as well" said Elihu as he spoke up.

"Yes Mero, Elihu speaks the truth, we all have as much right as you do to decide to look for Liam" said Luc as he spoke up.

"Look, I do not have any time for this" said Mero as he turned back to look at his map, he still had three more areas to check.

"Return to the Castle at once" said Mero.

"You cannot do this alone Mero, no you cannot, we are all brothers here, we are all here to help" said Zechariah.

"I did not say that I needed your help" said Mero.

"That is the problem Mero, you did not say so, but we all know that you need help, you cannot carry this burden alone, you are not the only one that is worried sick about Liam's whereabouts, we all are" said Zuph.

"Allow us to help you" said Elihu.

"There is no help that you can render unto me, I am already doing what I can do" said Mero as Elihu, Luc, Zuph and Zechariah as they all looked at each other, Mero was just so stubborn.

"Just return to the Castle, all of you" said Mero.

"Look after the Queen, and protect the Castle" said Mero.

"There is no need for us to do that Mero" said Elihu.

"Because the Queen is here" said Elihu as Mero immediately turned to look at them.

"What do you mean she is here?" asked Mero.

"She is here, she is waiting outside" said Luc.

"Why would you bring her here?" asked Mero in anger, he could not believe this.

"She insisted on us bringing her here, she was looking for you, she came to us to ask about you, and we told her that we knew nothing, so she asked us to bring her here" said Luc.

"And you did?" asked Mero.

"We had no other choice Mero" said Zuph.

"Do not give me that nonsense, why would you bring her here?" asked Mero in anger, it was not safe out here, not at all.

"Well what else did you expect us to do when we ourselves do not know what it is that you are doing" said Elihu.

"That is no excuse, you should not have brought her here, not at all" said Mero.

"You all disobeyed my orders, you went against what I told you to do, and for that, I am deeply disappointed for your incompetence as knights" said Mero as he did not have time to deal with this right now.

"You will all return to the Castle right this instant, and you will take the Queen with you, because this is no place for her at all" said Mero as his voice sounded angered, very angered, Elihu, Zuph, Luc and Zechariah had never seen him that before.

"They will do no such thing" said Wura as she walked into the tent and everyone turned to look at her, she was getting impatient of waiting outside, so she decided to see Mero whether he liked it or not, and she happened to overhear what he just said.

"My Queen" said Zechariah as he looked at Wura as she signalled that he should say nothing as he kept quiet.

Wura walked to where they were all standing, as Elihu, Zuph, Luc and Zechariah all cleared the way for her as she stood in front of Mero.

"Mero" called Wura as Mero looked at her.

"My Queen" said Mero.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" asked Wura.

"My Queen, I have done nothing of that sort" said Mero.

"Why are you reprimanding them? They did nothing wrong; they only did what I asked them to do" said Wura as she looked at Mero.

"My Queen, it is not good for you to be here, you need to be back at the Castle recovering" said Mero.

"I have already recovered" said Wura.

"My Queen…" said Mero as he was cut off.

"Do not my Queen me Mero, you made me a promise Mero, and you are not keeping it" said Wura as everyone one else stayed quiet as Mero did not know what to say.

"Everyone, leave us now" said Wura as she turned to look at the others as Zechariah nodded his head and they all walked out of the tent as they left Wura and Mero there alone.

"Now Mero, you are going to tell me the truth, and nothing but the truth, why are you behaving like this? Why are you pushing everyone away?" asked Wura as she wanted the truth right now, and Mero was going to tell her the truth, whether he liked it or not.