Stopped now

"Just great, everything Is just great, you do realize that we are still in the wilderness, and it is starting to get dark" said Elihu as they had been riding for a while now, so much so that the sun was already starting to set.

Mero looked down at the map, they were still very far from where Liam supposedly was, and he had not stopped moving, it would seem that they would have to pass through some sort of forest first before they could reach halfway of where he was.

Wura was deep in her thoughts, Elihu was right, it was going to get late soon, and very dark, they had no source of light, and it would seem as if it would get very cold, their horses had been moving for a long while now, and they must have been tired.

Wura sighed internally, it would seem that the most sensible thing to do would be to stop and rest, but honestly, she did not want to do that at all.

"I beg to differ Elihu, look, some trees" said Zuph as he pointed ahead and there were some trees a few of them.

Mero looked down on the map, as he saw nothing that showed that there were trees here, he was starting to doubt the validity of this map, how could they be sure that this map was actually correct, and that it was not just taking them around in circles in a foreign land.

Wura looked at the trees as she started to think that maybe they should stop, it would be a good idea to stop after all, they all needed to rest.

"My Queen, what do you suggest that we do?" asked Mero as he snapped Wura out of her thoughts and she turned to look at him as she stopped the horse that she was riding on.

"Let me see the map first Mero" said Wura as Mero nodded and he handed her the map as she took in her hands and she looked at the map, the red dot was still moving, which meant that Liam was still moving.

Wura was scared that if they stopped now, Liam would keep on moving and get further and further away from them, and she did not want that at all, but on the other hand, they had to rest, it was only logical, it was getting late, the sun would soon set, it would become cold, and they had not eaten all day.

Wura sighed as she made a decision, she really hoped that she would not regret it later on, because if it was up to her, she would continue on.

"We need to stop and rest, it will get late soon, and the sun will set, it is already starting to get a bit cold, and we haven't eaten anything yet" said Wura as she sighed.

"Alright my Queen, as you wish" said Mero as he had been thinking the exact same thing, but he wanted Wura to be the one to make the decision of if they would stop or not.

"Yes" said Wura.

"Well let us rest here for now" said Mero as he got down from his horse.

"We have to make a fire, it is clear that it will be colder at night" said Zuph as he got down from his horse.

"I will gather some tree branches for us to start a fire" said Elihu as he got down from his horse and he led him to the trees as he tied hiss reins on one of the trees so he would be unable to run away.

"I will help you with that" said Zuph as he followed after Elihu.

Wura got down from her horse as she helped Nora down who had been closing her eyes the entire time, Wura sighed internally as she forgot that Nora was afraid of horses, she felt so bad right now, and Nora said nothing at all to remind her of that fact.

"Oh Nora, I am so sorry, are you alright?" asked Wura.

"Yes my Queen, I am alright" said Nora as she nodded her head and she opened her eyes, she realized that she was fine as long as she did not look down, which Is why she decided to close her eyes the entire time.

"I am so sorry for being insensitive Nora" said Wura.

"It is alright my Queen, I am fine" said Nora as she looked around, she saw Elihu and Zuph as they were cutting down some branches of a tree in order to make a fire.

"My Queen, let me go and get started on dinner" said Nora as she looked at Wura.

"Alright then Nora, let us go then" said Wura.

"Ahh no my Queen, no, you cannot possibly help me, please just stay here my Queen, I will do it" said Nora as she did not want Wura getting hurt.

"Alright…" said Wura as Nora smiled.

"Thank you my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and she walked to where Zuph had left his horse, she wanted to get the bags.

"Can I, take the bags?" asked Nora as she looked at Zuph.

"Go ahead" said Zuph as Nora smiled and she proceeded to take the bags off of where Zuph had hanged them on his horse.

Wura sighed, everyone was doing something while she was just standing here doing nothing.

"It Is best that you stay put my Queen, everything will be handled" said Mero as Wura turned to look at him, he knew what she was thinking, and that annoyed her.

"Fine, alright then" said Wura as she did nothing and Mero walked to help Elihu and the others.

The sun had set and there were no stars in the sky at all, and it was very cold.

Elihu, Mero and Zuph had succeeded in making a fire and Nora had made some grains for dinner, as she also set some blankets on the ground to keep Wura warm so she could sleep in them.

Mero decided that it would be best if they all went to sleep early, so they could continue on early in the morning.

Wura sighed as she looked up at the sky, she could not sleep not at all, Wura stood up as she walked to the fire that they left burning.

Wura sat down beside the fire as she looked at the map again, she was careful to make sure that the map was not too close to the fire, but that it was just near enough for her to use the light of the fire to see.

Wura looked at the map as she saw the red dot moving, Liam was still moving, but then Wura felt a bit alarmed when the red dot stopped moving, she wondered why Liam had stopped moving, did he stop to rest or was it something else?

Wura felt so worried right now, she decided to stop looking at the map as it would only make her more worried, she sighed as she closed her eyes and she took a deep breath.

Mero looked at Wura as he was awake, he was the one on guard for watching this night, he could see her desperation, there was no doubt in his mind that she really did care for Liam.

"My Queen, it is late, you should rest" said Mero as he walked to the fire, he was going to put it out, it would be too dangerous to leave it to burn throughout the night.

"I know… but I cannot sleep" said Wura as she looked at Mero and she sighed, she just kept on thinking about Liam so much, she just could not help it, it was killing her to not know where he was, to not see him, for so long, it killed her on the inside.

"I cannot help but still blame myself for all this, all that is happening" said Wura as she gave a sad smile to Mero.

"My Queen, it is not your fault, and you are doing your best to show that you really do love Liam" said Mero.

"Not many Queens would leave their Kingdom to go and look for their husband themselves, when there are many knights available to do that" said Mero as he did not know what to say to try to make Wura feel better.

"Well I am no Queen at all" replied Wura as she turned back to look at the fire.

"I might have the title, but I am no Queen" replied Wura as she sighed, that title just had so much responsibility with it, she could not bear it at all.

"My Queen, you are" replied Mero as Wura said nothing at all and silence reigned between them.

"My Queen, I am going to have to put out the fire now, it is too dangerous to leave it burning overnight" said Mero.

"Alright then Goodnight" said Wura as she got up and she walked back to where she came from as Mero looked at her, and he put out the fire as they were left in utter darkness once more.

He hoped that when they finally found Liam, Wura would stop blaming herself like this.