Mistook me for someone else

"Who are you?" asked Liam as he did not know where this woman came from, hugging him tightly and telling him that she missed him.

"Liam?" asked Wura as she could not believe what was going on now, the way Liam looked at her, as if she was a stranger Wura could tell that something was wrong, something was seriously wrong.

"Just who do you think you are to hug him like that?" came the voice of a dark haired woman as she stood in front of Liam as if guiding him from her.

Wura could not speak, she was frozen in shock, she had found Liam, and yet, he did not seem to recognize her at all.

"Darla, stand down" said Liam as he looked at the dark haired woman who frowned at Wura as she was blocking her from Liam.

"No, who does this woman think she is? How can she just come over and hug you like that in that manner?" asked the woman named Darla in anger as she looked at Wura with contempt.

Wura could not say anything at all, what was happening right now was like a dream to her, a horrible dream that she just wanted to wake up from as soon as possible, Wura looked at the woman named Darla and then at Liam.

"Darla, move, leave her be" said Liam as he moved Darla away from his front as she growled like an angry wolf at Wura as Wura was scared.

"I am sorry miss, but I think that you mistook me for someone else" said Liam as he looked at Wura and Wura just stood there looking at him.

"My Queen, you should not have…" called Mero as he and the others finally found Wura as she turned to look at them and they all stopped right in their tracks as soon as they saw who Wura was talking with as it was Liam.

They could not believe that they had actually found him.

Liam did not know why all these people were looking at him like this, and worst of all, the woman who seemed to know him and told him that she missed him was dead quiet right now.

"Miss, are you alright?" asked Liam as he turned to look at Wura and Wura looked at him, as her eyes held his, she searched for answers in them, but she could not find them at all, she knew that something was horribly wrong, terrible wrong.

"You see, leave her alone Liam, she is a mad woman, let us go" said Darla as she looked at Wura as Wura remained quiet, but Liam did not move from his spot as he continued to look at Wura, there was something familiar about this woman though, but he could not put his finger on it.

"Are you alright?" asked Liam once again as Wura decided that she had to get herself together, she had heard that other woman saying something about leaving, and she was not going to allow Liam leave, not when she had just found him after so long.

"Ahh… yes, I am fine…" said Wura as she snapped out of her thoughts as Mero and the others kept quiet, why was Liam calling Wura miss? And as he looked at them, he did not even seem to recognize them at all, this baffled Mero and the others, they wondered if that was really Liam.

"I am sorry to say, but I believe that you mistook me for someone else…" said Liam as Wura just continued to look at him, she looked at his eyes… his eyes, they were not their normal brown colour at all, they had a hue of yellow in them, as if his eyes had been enchanted, Wura knew that something was wrong.

"Ah… yes, I believe that I did" said Wura as even though inside her she knew that she did not mistake him for someone else, he was Liam, her Liam, her husband.

"Do I look familiar to who you are looking for?" asked Liam as Wura nodded her head.

"Liam, we do not have time to waste here, let us go now" said Darla as she called out to Liam, she did not know why he was giving this crazy woman here his attention.

"Wait Darla" said Liam as he looked at Darla and he turned back to look at Wura as she continued to look at him.

"May I know who you are?" asked Liam as he continued to look at Wura, as if scanning her face, she looked so familiar to him, so familiar.

Wura just nodded as she let his words sink in as she realized that he wanted to know who she was, Wura was stuck in a dilemma, she did not know what to do at all, should she introduce herself to him as his wife? No? he did not seem to remember that at all, and well, she was sure that if she did, that other woman who was guarding Liam like a hound would pounce on her, and worst of all, she felt like if she told the truth, Liam himself would not believe her, and he would leave, and she did not want that at all.

Liam waited patiently for Wura to introduce herself, it would seem like she was trying to gather all her thoughts together, and he just watched her as she did so.

"My name is Lily Scot, and those are my men" said Wura as she decided not to use her actual name, she used her middle name, and her maiden name, she did not know what exactly was going on here, but she knew that this was a very dangerous place, and they had to be careful.

"We… we are looking for someone" said Wura as Mero looked at her, he wondered what was going on here.

"I see" said Liam as Wura nodded her head.

"Well Lily, I am Liam, and this is Darla, and we also happen to be looking for someone as well" said Liam.

"You are?" asked Wura as Liam nodded his head.

"If you do not mind me asking, who… who are you looking for?" asked Wura.

"My wife" replied Liam as Wura felt her heartbeat beat quicken.

"You are…?" asked Wura.

"Yes, I am" said Liam.

"Liam, Malcom and Dothan will be here soon, we should get going" said Darla as she did not like that Liam was divulging important information to this stranger.

"It would seem that we are both looking for people near to us" said Liam as he smiled and Wura nodded her head, she was trying to wrap her head around all that was happening, Liam said that he was looking for his wife, and she was his wife, but he did not seem to know that, she could not understand this at all.

"Where are you going from here?" asked Wura as she managed to get that out of her mouth.

"No where you should know" replied Darla as Wura looked at her.

"I say so because… I am also looking for someone… my… he is my… he is someone very close to me, and I want to find him as well" said Wura as there was no way that she was going to let Liam go not now that she found him, she was going to follow him wherever he was going until at least she could figure out what was going on here.

"Darla is the one who knows where to go, you can follow with is if you wish to" said Liam as he smiled and Darla outrightly refused as she shook her head and Liam looked at her as she sighed and said nothing.

"Thank you… I really appreciate that… let me inform my men first… they are waiting for me" said Wura as she turned to look at Mero and the others as Liam looked at them as well.

"That is alright, we are also waiting for some of our men as well" said Liam as he smiled and Wura nodded her head as she walked to where Mero and the others were standing in confusion.

"Wait, come over here, we need to speak" said Wura as she walked past them and they followed after her and Wura stopped walking as soon as she was sure that Liam would not be able to hear them.

"Is that really Liam?" asked Elihu out loud as he could not believe this.

"Yes, it is Liam" said Wura as she replied.

"Well he does not seem to remember us" said Elihu.

"*Sigh*, but it is him, I know that it is, I know him" said Wura as she sighed.

"Then why does he not remember us?" asked Zuph as Mero was in his own thoughts.

"I do not know why but… his eyes… they are not their usual colour… they have a hue of yellow in them, I think he has been… enchanted" said Wura as she took a pause and everyone looked at her, including Mero.

"Enchanted my Queen? But how?" asked Nora as this made no sense to her at all.

"I do not know how as well Nora, but I do know that his enchanted, and part of his enchantment is that he cannot remember us, not any of us at all, not me, not Mero" said Wura as she sighed.

"Are we sure that is truly Liam, and not just someone who looks and speaks just like him?" asked Elihu once again as Wura looked at him in anger.

"Of course that is my husband, that Is Liam, I know my own husband" said Wura.

"My Queen, when you introduced yourself to him, you said that your name was Lily, why is that?" asked Mero as Wura looked at him.

"Well we do not know what exactly is wrong with Liam, and why he is like this, and it is dangerous out here, he is not alone, and I do not trust that woman who is all around him, and I doubt that he will believe us if we tell him who he really is, how I am his wife, and he is the King of Wyverdale, he would not believe us, which is why I concealed my true identity to him" said Wura.

"Which brings me to my second point, you all have to stop calling me my Queen, or your Majesty, no one can hear that, just call me Lily, that is an order" said Wura as she was thinking of how she was going to solve all this, why could Liam not remember her? Why did Elysia not mention this to her? Maybe she did not know this as well.

"Look, we all need to be on the same page here, so I need you all to acknowledge my orders, I know what I am doing, are we clear?" asked Wura.

"Yes my Queen" replied Elihu and Zuph and Nora as Wura shook her head.

"Not what I want, try that again, are we clear?" asked Wura as they could not risk any slipups, she did not want Liam to be suspicious of her at all.

"Yes Lily" replied Elihu and Zuph.

"Yes my lady" said Nora as she nodded her head, she could not dare bring herself to call Wura by her name.

"That is better" said Wura.

"Mero, what are you thinking about?" asked Wura as she looked at Mero who had been quiet all this time.

"My Queen, are you sure that we should be going with them? After all, we do not know where it is that they are going" said Mero.

"Well yes, we do have to go with him, how else are we supposed to keep an eye on Liam until we figure this whole thing out?" asked Wura as Mero had to admit that she was right, but he did not want them to enter into danger just because they were following after Liam.

"Look Mero, we need to follow him, we have him right here" said Wura.

"Alright my Queen" said Mero as he nodded his head.

"Call me Lily Mero, please, we do not want Liam or anyone else hear you calling me Queen" said Wura.

"I understand" said Mero.

"Hey Malcom and Dothan are here" said Darla as Liam turned to look at her.

"Come on, let us go now, and we have to be careful of what we say around Liam and the others, if you want to speak with me, then tell me so in a subtle manner" said Wura as Elihu and Zuph nodded.

"Good" said Wura as she walked back to where Liam was, and Nora and the others followed her along with their horses