Leave me be

"My Queen, you cannot go over there" said Mero as he whispered and he held Wura's hand back preventing her from going any further.

"And why not?" asked Wura in anger as she whispered back at him, she could not believe what Mero was saying right now, telling her not to go over there, how could she not? When her husband was over there with that woman! He was her husband, hers, and yet that woman named Darla was all over him.

Did he not notice that they were behaving as if they were lovers? Wura could not stand the mere sight of this, it made her sick, angered, irritated, she felt like walking over there and dragging Darla away from her husband.

"My Queen please, we do not need to cause a scene here" said Mero as he pleaded with Wura, he knew that this was hard for her, but she needed to be patient, even if she went there and did what she wanted to do, Liam would not understand why she would behave like that in this state of his.

"But he is my husband!, mine, and not hers, do you not see how she is just lingering around him, not giving him any breathing space at all, they look more like lovers!" said Wura as she whispered back, and it was about now that Mero was relieved that they were a distance away from Liam and Darla, or else they would have heard Wura's complains right now.

"My Queen, that may be so, but he does not know that right now" said Mero as Wura was not listening to him at all, how could she just sit here, watching those two behave like that, while she his wife was right here!

"My Queen, please, I cannot let you go there, because if I do, there is no telling what you will do" said Mero.

"What exactly do you want to explain, that you are his wife? I thought that you already decided to find a way to break the enchantment, and not just tell him straightforwardly like that" said Mero as Wura just listened to him, she knew that he was right, her head was telling her not to go over there and tear Darla away from Liam, but her heart, her heart was aching her, and telling her to get that woman very far away from her husband.

"My Queen, please think this through, if you go over there right now, you will have a lot of explaining to do, and we still do not know what exactly is going on here, my Queen, we need patience" said Mero.

"I know that you are hurting right now my Queen, but you cannot just make a rash decision like this" said Mero as Wura scoffed and she pulled her hand out of his grip and she sat back down reluctantly.

"Thank you my Queen" said Mero in relief as he did not actually expect Wura to listen to him.

"Leave me be Mero, just leave me be" said Wura in anger as she tapped her foot repeatedly on the ground and she averted her gaze away from Liam and Darla, she could not take the sight anymore.

Mero sighed as he just nodded his head, he would leave her alone, because he knew that she was very sensible and she wanted to get Liam back as soon as possible, and she would not contradict herself.

Liam smiled as he turned to look at Wura and Mero as Wura seemed annoyed, he did not know why, but he believed that those two were very close, he had a kind of feeling that he could not explain, as if he should have felt something here, but he did not know what, it was confusion for him.

"Liam are you alright?" asked Darla as she saw Liam looking at Wura and it annoyed her to death, he was not supposed to be looking at her at all, she had found him, he was for her, and not for this woman who just came along out of nowhere.

Darla was irritated, she did not know what interested Liam so much in that woman, before he only looked at her, and not at anyone else.

"I am fine Darla" said Liam as he smiled and he turned to look at Darla as he shrugged off all the many thoughts that he was having as he continued speaking to Darla.

"How long till we reach the first city?" asked Liam.

"Well about 25 days" said Darla.

"That long?" asked Liam.

"I told you when we started this journey Liam, and when you insisted that it would be a long journey, very long, we are in the borders of the main people, we cannot reach where you want to go, not until we have passed all the other borders" said Darla.

"I understand Darla, I only thought that it would be sooner" said Liam as he sighed.

"Believe me Liam, it is not sooner, we will reach there, when we reach there" said Darla.

"Alright then" said Liam as he felt disappointed, he thought that they would reach there soon, so he would finally have all his questions answered.

"Relax Liam, slowly but surely, we will reach there" said Darla as she smiled and Liam smiled at him.

"My lady, do you want me to prepare where you will sleep?" asked Nora as she sat down beside Wura, she could tell that she Wura was upset.

"Alright Nora, do that" said Wura as she could not stand this anymore, the best thing for her to do right now was to go to sleep, because she could not bear the sight of seeing Liam and Darla together, it was killing her, inside, her heart was breaking, she could not stand it at all.

This was much more thana jealousy, it was just hurt, she knew that Liam could not remember her, but still… he should have not indulged Darla at all, or maybe she was the one forcing herself on him, but regardless, Wura did not care at all, she was still hurt.

"Alright my Queen" said Nora as she nodded her head and she walked to where their horses were tied to get some of the blankets that they would lay on the ground.

Wura stood up as she followed after Nora, the further away she got from Liam and Darla's display of affection, the better it was for her.

"You know Dothan, I can sense some… strangeness here" said Malcom as he looked at Dothan.

"How do you mean?" asked Dothan has he had not been paying attention at all, he was focused on eating.

"Did you not see the way Lily looked at Liam, and I do not think that my eyes were deceiving me when I saw that she looked hurt from seeing Darla together with Liam" said Malcom.

"I did not notice at all" said Dothan.

"That is because you are unserious, it is obvious that Lily likes Liam, she only looks at him" said Malcom.

"But is she not married? Why would she be interested in another man?" asked Dothan as it made no sense to him.

"That is what we have to find out dear brother of mine" said Malcom.

"Well you are on your own with that Malcom, I have no time to go searching for something that is not there" said Dothan.

"Besides, you only care because you like Lily" said Dothan as he rolled his eyes.

"You can say what you want to say, but I know that there is something off somewhere" said Malcom as he shook his head.

"Whatever you say Malcom, whatever you say" said Dothan as he shook his head.

"Boys, it is late now, come on time for bed" said Darla as she called out to Malcom and Dothan.

"Aww, can we stay up a bit longer?" asked Dothan.

"No, we are waking up very early tomorrow, before the beasts arrive, so we need to sleep early, come on now, do not argue with me" said Darla in a stern tone as Malcom and Dothan sighed as they got up and they walked to Darla as she laid some mats on the ground.

"Go on now, I will keep watch tonight" said Darla.

"I can keep watch if you allow me to" said Mero as Liam and Darla turned to look at him.

"No" replied Darla as she did not trust any of them at all.

"You can?" asked Liam.

"If you will allow it" said Mero.

"Darla, let him do it, you kept watch last night" said Liam as he looked at Darla and Darla sighed.

"Fine" she said.

"You can keep watch, thank you" said Liam as he smiled at Mero and Mero nodded his head.

"Wait Mero, let me do it, you have been the one keeping watch for the past days now, you need to rest" said Elihu.

"I am fine Elihu, I will do it" said Mero.

"Mero, let him do it, you do need to rest" said Wura as she overheard what they were talking about, and she agreed with Elihu.

"But I am fine with…" said Mero as he was cut off.

"No Mero, let Elihu keep watch tonight, you need to rest" said Wura as Mero did not argue with her at all as she walked to where Nora was preparing for her.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura.

"You are welcome my lady" said Nora as she smiled and she walked to where Zuph and Elihu were.

Wura did not even know when she managed to fall asleep, or how she managed to, but she did, it would seem that because now that she had finally found Liam, she had stopped having nightmares, and she could now sleep.

Wura opened her eyes as she looked up at the sky, it was still dark, the fire had been put out, and everyone looked like they were still sleeping, Wura saw Elihu who was supposed to be watching, had fallen asleep deeply.

Wura sighed as she thought to herself of just how she was going to make Liam remember her, she did not know what to do, in the middle of her thoughts, Wura heard some sounds not so far away from where she was, so she turned to the right to see Liam there, wide awake, sitting down and watching the moon that was about to disappear.

Wura made sure to keep very quiet as she watched him, she felt like going over there to talk to him, but just what would she say when he considered her no less than a stranger?

She did not know what she should have done, she only watched him silently, and when he turned around, she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to still be asleep, she did not want him being suspicious of her watching him.

Liam could promise you that he had the feeling that he was being watched, but as he turned around, he saw everyone still sleeping, so he just shrugged off his suspicion as he continued to look at the moon, thinking on many things that he could not understand.