The beast

The roar came again, but this time even louder than before as the wind blew even more as they all stayed completely still.

"Everyone, stay completely still" said Darla as she maintained eye contact with the beast as Mero turned around to look at the beast as Wura tried to do the same.

"Do not turn around my Queen" said Mero as he whispered to Wura and she nodded her head, she knew that if he told her not to turn around and look, then it meant that she would not be able to bear it.

"It might not see us and just go away" said Darla as she whispered and as they all kept on hearing flapping sounds as the beast roared again as everyone stood completely still.

Darla did not know what to do, she had no means of protecting herself of her brothers from this beast.

The beast kept on flapping its wings as it hovered above them as it roared once more.

Wura could not take the doubt of not seeing what exactly that thing that was hovering above them was, so against Mero's warnings, Wura slowly turned her head as she looked up and she gasped by what she saw.

It truly was a beast, a very horrible one at that, pale green rough skin, feet with three toes and three horrible sharp claws, and its hands as well, with three giant fingers and three horribly sharp claws, and its torso was left uncovered as it had nothing but a pair of shorts on.

Wura gasped even more when she saw just how horrible the beast's face looked, with five eyes that were carefully watching them, as they refrained from blinking, a horrible squashed nose, in fact, it had no form of a nose at all, only with the two holes of nostrils, its ears? Well it had none at all, and the head of the beast was as bald and as shiny as a mirror as it had a pair of horrible looking wings that looked like that of a dragon.

In the same moment, as if the beast noticed them all looking at it, it roared once more as it flew straight for them as Darla was still in shock.

"Elihu, Zuph" shouted Mero as Elihu and Zuph both looked at him as they nodded and they brought out their swords as Elihu moved his horse towards the beast as he used his sword as he pointed it to the beast as the beast moved away from him and went straight for Darla as she was paralyzed in fear.

"Zuph!" shouted Mero as he could not possibly get over there in time as Zuph was the one closest to Darla.

"I am on it" said Zuph as he rode to Darla which snapped her out of her fear as she moved her horse away.

"You have to get out of here, go fast" said Mero as Darla turned to look at Malcom and Dothan who were scared.

"We have to go now" said Darla as she looked at Malcom and Dothan as they nodded and she rode quickly as they followed after her but Liam stayed behind.

"My Queen, you have to go as well" said Mero as in the same moment the beast made its descent on the ground as it stood on its two feet as it blocked Liam, Zuph and Nora on the one side, and Wura, Mero and Elihu on the other side.

Nora was in fear, she was sure that this creature came out straight from a nightmare, she could not believe what she was seeing right now.

"Everyone stay completely still" said Mero as the beast grunted and it looked around.

"I doubt that it can see us" said Wura as the beast was staring right at her, but it made no attempt to harm her at all.

"In that case we will kill it then" said Elihu as without warning he rode his horse right next to the beast as he used his sword to slash the beast on the right side of its abdomen as it cried out in pain and it roared as all their horses neighed in fear.

"My Queen" said Mero as Wura's horse was going out of control as Wura held on.

"Calm down boy, calm down" said Wura as she tried her best to calm down the horse, she did not want to be thrown off her horse as in the same moment, Zuph slashed his sword at the being as it cried out again and it took off into the air and instead of running away, it was going straight for Darla and her brothers.

"It is going straight for Darla, Malcom and Dothan" said Liam in alarm as without wasting a single second he dashed after the beast.

"Follow him" said Mero as Elihu and Zuph rode after Liam as Mero rode after them and Wura followed after him.

Darla, Malcom and Doth were cowering in fear as they heard the roar of the best.

"Darla, Malcom, Dothan, move" said Liam as he shouted and Darla could not move at all.

"Liam!" called Mero as Liam turned to look at him and Mero threw Liam his sword as Liam caught the sword and in the same moment he rushed in between Darla and the beast as he wasted no time at all and he held the sword in his one hand as he slashed the beast in one swift movement as the beast scream in pain as it was cut in half and it melted in front of their eyes into a pool of what looked like green blood as Wura did not come any further.

Mero sighed in relief, he knew that Liam would be able to kill the beast, after all he had only lost his memories and not his ability as a trained man of war.

"Are you alright?" asked Liam as he turned to look at Darla as she nodded her head, that beast scared the life out of her, she felt like she was about to die right there and then, if not for Liam saving her in that moment.

"Are you sure?" asked Liam as Darla nodded her head and Liam turned to look at Mero, he did not know how he got the strength to kill that beast like that, but once he had the sword in his hand, as if on instinct, he knew just what to do.

"Thank you for the sword" said Liam as he looked at Mero and he was about to return the sword as Mero knew what he was about to do.

"Keep it with you" said Mero as Liam nodded and Wura moved around the pool of green blood of the beast as she moved to where Mero was.

"Just what was that?" asked Wura as she needed an explanation, she was very confused.

"It was a beast" replied Darla.

"A beast?" asked Wura as she was still very confused, what Darla said still made no sense at all.

"Beasts are the creatures that dwell in these lands, as you can see, they are very dangerous, and they are very hideous, they eat other creatures, and we have to get out of here fast, the blood of this one, will alert the others if they were moving together in a herd" said Darla.

"But wait, when the beast was there… it did not seem to notice us…" said Wura as she did not get that.

"That is not important right now, we have to get out of here, quickly, or else there is no telling how many of those things will come" said Darla.

"I agree with Darla, we should go far away from here, right now" said Liam as Darla did not waste any time at all as she rode ahead and Liam followed after her as Elihu looked at Mero.

Wura did not blame Darla at all, since she was almost taken by that beast, so she just followed after them.

"Did you see that?" asked Zuph as he looked at Mero.

"He still knows how to use a sword skilfully, of course it is a skill he will never forget, he is the best of us all" said Mero as Elihu nodded, that was true.

"Come on, let us go now" said Zuph as he moved ahead as Nora stayed completely quiet, if not for the fact that Wura was trying to be alone with Liam, she would have preferred to ride with Wura.

"Hopefully we will not see another of that again, because as I tried to kill it, my sword was resisted" said Elihu as he wondered with which force Liam used to kill that thing.

"Hopefully" said Mero as he rode ahead and Elihu followed after him as he frowned at the sight of the green pool of blood on the ground as he moved around it as carefully as he could as he caught up to Mero.