
"What in the world is going on?" asked Magog as he looked around as all the windows were being shattered, and he did not know how at all.

"My King, I do not know what I going on, perhaps a strong wind has blown" said the giant named Gomer.

"Perhaps" said Magog as Wura stopped covering her ears as she looked around, she wondered what kind of wind would blow to the extent of shattering windows, this place was very strange.

"Get on with this thing Gomer" said Magog as he looked at Gomer and Gomer nodded his head as he cleared his throat and in that same moment Wura could hear the sound of more glass breaking as the hall suddenly filled with pink smoke.

Wura coughed as she could no longer see anything at all, she closed her eyes as the entire hall had been filled with some sort of thick pink smoke that was causing her to cough as she tried to blow the smoke away with her hands.

"Just what is going on here?" asked Magog as even he could not see anything at this point, nothing like this had ever happened before.

"Gomer, blow this smoke away!" said Magog In anger.

"Yes Sire" said Gomer as he started to use his hand to try to blow the smoke away, but it was not working at all.

"What is happening Gomer?" asked Magog in anger as he still could not see anything.

"My King, I do not know, this smoke is not normal" said Gomer as Magog grunted, he was going to find out who dare try to ruin his wedding.

Wura coughed even more as she decided that she could use this chance to escape, she opened her eyes as she walked and try to make her way to the exit as Magog did not even notice her leaving at all, considering that he could not see at all just like everyone else.

Wura heart was pounding with every step that she took, hoping that Magog would not notice her absence at all, she did not even know if she was going in the right direction, but she really hoped that she was.

As she slowly made her way to the exit, Wura suddenly felt a hand on her waist as she screamed, thinking that it was one of the giants, or Magog himself as she struggled.

"My wife, where are you?" asked Magog as he looked around in nothing but blindness of pink smoke all around him as Wura's screaming ceased as the person who had his hand on her waist covered her mouth with his other hand as he carried her and started to run.

Wura cried internally, just how unfortunate was she? She was just so tired of this all, she knew that she was not being held by one of the giants, this person seemed to be of normal stature, which made her feel relieved but at the same time even more scared.

Wura struggled as she was not going to allow herself get captured again? Just what did she do to deserve this? Had she been sprayed with a potion that made anyone she came in contact with to want to capture her.

Wura coughed as she closed her eyes when she saw the bright sun shine on her eyes as she realized that she had been carried outside as the man carrying her ran faster with his hand still covering her mouth.

Wura looked at the man, he was dressed head to toe in black, she could see nothing but his brown eye, Wura was tired off this, she was not going to get captured again, it was just so frustrating, so she tried to talk as her voice came out muffled.

Wura did not even think twice as she bit the man's hand and he winced as he stopped covering her mouth.

"Let go of me, let me go, just please let me go!" said Wura as she squirmed and struggled as the man did not pay any attention to her at all as he carried her over his back.

"Can you just stop this? Please I beg you, here I am being captured again" said Wura as she struggled and she kicked her legs in the air as she used her hands to hit him on his back.

Magog coughed as finally the smoke cleared up and he looked for Wura everywhere as he could not find her at all.

"My wife!, where is my wife!!?" asked Magog.

"Wura!!!" shouted Magog as Wura remained frozen as she heard her name being called, she did not want to be captured by this man, but she also did not want to fall back into the hands of Magog, she would rather be captured by whoever this man was.

"My Wife, find me my wife!!" shouted Magog as he raised his voice in anger.

"Close all the city's gates, she must not escape!" said Magog.

"Wura, I will find you, you cannot run away from me!!!" said Magog as he shouted.

Wura squirmed as the man stopped running and he finally put her down as she started to make an attempt to run away as he caught her hand and gently moved her back to him as he did not want to hurt her.

"Look I do not know who you are, or why you are taking me, but please help me escape, I beg you" said Wura as she looked at the map and he removed the black cloth from his face and Wura gasped when she saw who it was under there.

"Lily, it is me, calm down" said Liam as he whispered and Wura felt tears dropping from her eyes.

"Liam??" asked Wura as she could not believe it.

"Yes" said Liam as he nodded and he smiled as Wura threw herself on him as she hugged.

"Oh Liam, I missed you so much, I knew that you would come for me, I knew that you would" said Wura as she cried and Liam hugged her as he sighed in relief that she looked alright.

"I am so sorry Lily, so sorry" said Liam as Wura held on tightly to him, forgetting that they were still in the land of the giants until the sound of trumpets made them realize just where they were.

"We have to get out of here Lily, the giants are going to be looking for you" said Liam as Wura broke their hug and she nodded, she started to panic, she did not want to be captured again.

"How are we going to escape?" asked Wura.

"Here, you have to hide in here, and be very quiet okay?" asked Liam as he uncovered a wagon with hay as Wura nodded and he helped her climb up into it.

Liam quickly covered the cloth and he covered his face as he walked to the front of the wagon where the horses were as he started to move the wagon slowly, he could see the giants as they moved around as the trumpets continued to blow.

Liam calmly drove the wagon to the gate that had been closed shut as he stopped in front of the giant in front of the gate.

"I was ordered to take this hay to the next city" said Liam as he lied, Wura's heart kept on beating quickly as she did not want to be found, not at all.

The hay was very itchy, and the dress that she was wearing was not covering her skin at all, which allowed for the hay to touch her bare skin.

"Alright" said the giant as he ordered that the gate be opened, he did not see any reason to keep this merchant here, he was sure that the King's wife could not have gotten far.

"Thank you" said Liam as Wura felt like sneezing but she held her sneeze as she felt the wagon move and she breathed a sigh of relief as Liam had not even fully gotten out the gate yet as she suddenly sneezed out of her control as she covered her mouth in shock.

"Hey, what was that?" asked the giant as Liam hit the horses and they went full speed.

"I found the king's wife, she is trying to escape with that merchant!" shouted the giant at the gate as two giants jumped over the wall and followed after the wagon as the speed that they were going at was so strong that it unhooked the cloth from the back of the wagon as Wura gasped as she looked in fear at the giants running behind her.

"Liam, Liam, they are following us" said Wura as Liam knew that, he was still going to stick to the plan.

"Get her!" shouted one of the giants chasing them as he bent down to carry the back of the wagon as Wura shouted Liam's name, and Liam turned back quickly as he grabbed her hand with his free hand, he brought her to sit in front of him on the horse he was on, as he quickly took out his sword and he cut off the wagon from the horse as the giant was left with nothing and he threw the wagon away as he continued to chase after them as Liam hit the horse even more as it ran faster and as the giant was about to jump to catch them, Liam and Wura disappeared into the forest as he fell on the ground.

Liam did not slow down, not at all, he moved through the trees while holding on tightly to Wura, he was not going to lose her again, not this time.

Wura sighed in relief as she could no longer see the giants chasing them as the wind blew through her hair.

Liam started to slow down gradually as finally his horse came to a stop.

"Are you sure that it is safe to stop here?" asked Wura as she turned to look at him.

"Yes it is, the giants cannot go into the forest, many things hurt them in here" said Liam as Wura nodded, she really hoped so.

"So what are we going to do now?" asked Wura.

"We are going to meet up with the others, they are waiting for us at the other end of the forest" replied Liam as Wura nodded.

"Here, Nora packed these clothes for you" said Liam as he handed her a leather sack.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled and she sighed in relief, Nora was the best, she could not wait to see her, these clothes were so uncomfortable, and now that she was in front of Liam, she felt even worse.

"Umm can you…" said Wura as Liam walked away with the horse to give her some privacy as she smiled and Wura quickly wore more comfortable clothes.

"Here, put this on Lily" said Liam as he handed Wura a black cloth just like the one that he was wearing on his head as she walked to him.

"Thank you" said Wura as she took the cloth and she wrapped it around her head as she resorted to tearing the stupid red dress she was holding in her hands to shreds.

"Why are you tearing it?" asked Liam in nothing but serious confusion.

"I hated that stupid thing" said Wura as Liam laughed and she smiled in satisfaction, it was pure nonsense.

Liam walked to Wura as he adjusted the cloth she used to hide her face as she smiled at him.

"Let us go now" said Liam as Wura nodded.