Have gone

"Mero" called Wura as she walked out of Liam's room and she called out to Mero as he walked to her and they walked away from the others as Mero knew that she wanted to speak to him.

"What is it my Queen?" asked Mero as he turned to look at Wura as he could sense that she was worried.

"Mero, Liam woke up, and… well I am just worried about him, are you sure that he will be okay?" asked Wura in worry as she looked at Mero.

"My Queen, he will be alright, what Liam needs right now is to rest and recover" said Mero as he replied.

"I know but… but I cannot help but worry, I know that his wounds are very serious, and I do not want to risk him getting an infection, are you sure that there is not a physician around that can take a look at his wounds?" asked Wura as she sighed.

"My Queen, I understand your worry, but Elihu and Zuph went around the entire town, and we could find no physician, the people of the town told us that the nearest physician is another town away, and we cannot really go and find him at this point in time" said Mero.

"My Queen, you do not need to be concerned Liam is a very strong man, he has received more fatal wounds then these" said Mero.

"Well that does not make me feel any better Mero" Wura as she sighed.

"My Queen, you have to know that your husband is a man of war, during the war with the East, he had been harmed many times, and each time he got back up again, he will be fine, I give him three days, three days my Queen, and he would be like he was before" said Mero.

"Are you sure Mero?" asked Wura in doubt.

"Certainly my Queen, if there is one thing that you should know about Liam is that he does not give up easily" said Mero.

"I know Mero… I know he does not" said Wura as she could not help but smile, Liam never gave up on her.

"Cheer up my Queen, he will be alright" said Mero.

"Thank you Mero" said Wura as she smiled.

"My lady, I brought your dinner" said Nora as she smiled and she walked to Wura with a wooden bowl.

"Thank you Nora, I will eat it later" said Wura as she smiled.

"Mero, does Liam not need to eat as well?" asked Wura as she looked at Mero.

"Not right now my Queen, he was shot in his abdomen, it is best that he refrains from food until he can move on his own" said Mero.

"Alright Mero" said Wura as she smiled.

"Goodnight my Queen" said Mero as he smiled.

"Goodnight Mero" said Wura as she smiled at him.

"Sir Mero, are you not going to eat dinner?" asked Nora as she looked at Mero.

"No Nora, I am not hungry, thank you" said Mero as Nora nodded and he walked away as Nora looked at Wura.

"My Queen, would you like to eat now?" asked Nora as she smiled.

"Oh Nora, you just like feeding me do you not?" asked Wura as she laughed and Nora just smiled as Wura took the bowl from her, which made her happy.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she smiled.

"You are welcome my lady" said Nora as she smiled.

The next morning.

"My Queen, I got you a new change of bandages, will you be able to do it?" asked Mero as he looked at Wura.

"I will be fine Mero, thank you" said Wura as she took the bandages from him.

"Hey, has anyone seen Darla?" asked Dothan as both Mero and Wura turned to look at him.

"No" said Mero.

"No I have not seen her since yesterday afternoon" said Wura.

"Well she did not come to our room last night to sleep, and we have been unable to find her" said Dothan in worry.

"Oh no, where could she have gone?" asked Wura.

"We do not know" said Dothan.

"Dothan you should not worry too much, Darla is a grown woman, I am sure that she will be back soon" said Elihu as he spoke up and he scoffed.

"And what if she does not return?" asked Dothan in worry.

"She will return, she cannot leave you here" said Nora as Dothan nodded.

"Well Darla's horse is gone, she must have went to another town or something" said Malcom as Dothan sighed.

"Dothan, do not worry, I am sure that she is fine, she will be back soon" said Wura as she looked at Dothan and she smiled, she knew that he was worried for his sister, no matter what she did, she was still his sister, and of course he worried for her.

"I hope that she will be" said Dothan as he sighed.

"I will be back soon, I have to change Liam's bandages" said Wura as Malcom nodded.

"Do you want me to assist you my lady?" Nora as she smiled.

"Alright Nora" said Wura as she smiled and Nora followed after her as they walked to Liam's room.

Wura walked into Liam's room as Nora closed the door behind them as Wura walked to the side of Liam's bed and she smiled at him, he was sleeping, he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.

"I do not want to disturb him or wake him up, how do I change his bandages then?" asked Wura.

"If you ask me my lady, it looks like he is in a deep sleep, I doubt that he would wake up if you touch him" said Nora.

"Well then, let us test that" said Wura as Nora held the bandages for her as Wura smiled and she bent down beside Liam as she felt like touching his sleeping face but she restrained herself as she removed the pin used to hold Liam's old soaked in blood bandages as she removed them as carefully as she could as she pushed Liam a bit to rest on his other side.

"He really is in a deep sleep" said Wura in surprise as Nora handed her a change of bandages as she wrapped them around Liam's abdomen the best way that she could as she fastened it with the same pin.

"I do not think that we should change the bandages on his back for now, they do not look bloody, and that would be more stressful" said Wura.

"As you wish my lady" said Nora as she nodded her head.

"Yes, let us leave him to continue to rest now" said Wura as Nora nodded her head and they both walked out of Liam's room as she closed the door behind them.

Wura yawned as she sat on the couch in Liam's room, she had been sitting here all day, waiting for Liam to wake up, he had just kept on sleeping, and even though Mero did say that it was normal, Wura still did not think it to be so, she was worried.

Wura was about to go out of the room when she heard a little cough and she turned to look at Liam who was laying on the bed as she rushed to him and she saw him open his eyes.

"Liam!" said Wura in nothing but happiness and relief when she saw Liam open his eyes.

"Lily" said Liam as his voice came out scratched and Wura poured him a glass of water as she raised the glass to his lips and he drank it as Wura returned the glass to the table.

"Oh Liam, you are finally awake, oh thank the heavens" said Wura as she smiled in relief.

"Where am I?" asked Liam.

"You are in an inn, you were hurt very badly" said Wura as she frowned.

"How do you feel?" asked Wura as Liam grunted and he moved himself to sit up straight as Wura helped him.

"I feel fine" said Liam.

"Are you sure? Do you not feel any pain? Any discomfort anywhere?" asked Wura.

"No Lily, I am alright" said Liam even though he could feel the wounds on his body.

"Please do not try too move too much, you do not want to open up your wounds again" said Wura.

"How long have I been sleeping?" asked Liam.

"Two days now" said Wura.

"Are you hungry? Do you need anything?" asked Wura.

"Wait, give me a moment, I will be right back, let me go tell the others that you are awake, do not move at all, I beg you" said Wura as she quickly rushed out the room without waiting for Liam to reply at all as he did not even need to ask if she had been worried about him, she showed it very clearly.

"Mero, Mero, Liam is awake, he is finally awake" said Wura as she ran to Mero and he looked at her.

"He is" said Mero.

"Yes he is" said Wura as she nodded.

"I will go and check on him then" said Mero as Wura nodded and she smiled.

"He is awake?" asked Dothan.

"Yes he is awake, finally he is awake" said Wura as she hugged Dothan and he smiled.

"Finally" said Malcom as he was starting to get worried.

"Oh I am so relieved right now" said Wura as she took a deep breath, she was really thankful that Liam was finally awake, oh she did not know what she would have done if Liam still did not wake up when he did, she would have been so worried.

"My lady, I made some soup that would be easy to digest for his Majesty" said Nora as she walked to Wura with a tray.

"Thank you Nora, I will bring it to him" said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled at her as Wura entered into Liam's room without knocking.

"Liam, you need to eat" said Wura in more of a statement than a question, as if Liam had no other choice.

"Alright" said Liam as he smiled as he stopped stretching his right arm and he looked at Wura.

"Can you hold the bowl?" asked Wura as she lifted the bowl of hot soup from the tray as Liam nodded and she handed it to him as she stopped.

"Wait, your arm, it hurts does it not?" asked Wura as she noticed that Liam's grip was weak.

"Yes it does, but I am sure that it will be fine soon" said Liam.

"But you cannot hold anything with it like that" said Wura.

"Wait, let me help you" said Wura as she pulled out a little stool and she sat down beside Liam's bed as she took the spoon, she was going to feed him.

"You do not have to feed me, I can do it myself" said Liam.

"And risk you pouring hot soup on yourself? No way" said Wura as she shook her head, she was not going to let him hurt himself, not on her watch.

"You do know that I am not a child that needs to be fed" said Liam.

"Yes I know, but you are a man who needs to be fed, and who is still weak from the amount of blood he has lost, which needs to be replenished, so please do not argue with me, just open your mouth, and eat this soup which Nora has oh so generously prepared for your own sake" said Wura as she was not going to take no for an answer, and Liam could see that very well, so he just opened his mouth as she fed him.

"Good" said Wura as she smiled in satisfaction as Liam laughed.

"What is so funny?" asked Wura as she did not get what was making Liam laugh.

"You" said Liam as he laughed.

"Why?" asked Wura in confusion.

"You look so worried, almost like a worried wife" said Liam as he laughed and Wura froze, that was because she was a worried wife, his worried wife, who wanting nothing but for him to be in good health once more.

"No… I would consider myself more of a worried person who cares for you" said Wura as she felt so much like telling him that she was his worried wife, but she could not.

"Thank you Lily, for caring so much for me" said Liam as he smiled.

"You do not have to thank me Liam, I owe you…" said Wura as she smiled.